
Physical dialectics
Imaginary intimacy
Short-lived projection

Although plants make for good roommates, they do demand a measure of responsibility. In such relationships, the function of inhabiting under ambient conditions constitutes the connection between full and empty.

“I am the space where I am.” – Noel Arnaud

Of the Transference

Analytic practice
Certain coherence
Temporal pulsation

We experience the exterior world as personally entangled within our own nature. Unconsciously vibrant sensations become part of a complex self-identity unity.

“Expression is the diffusion, in the environment, of something initially entertained in the experience of the expressor.” – Alfred North Whitehead


Promised land
Morning happening
Already immersed in it

Establishing territory in a public space is fraught with anxiety. As part of the mix, territorial structures offered in the built environment affect spatially delimited control as a part of an ongoing sequence in daily life.

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” – T. S. Eliot

Extensity Amplification

Unequal spaces
Superposed series
Intense succession

Spatial relations, being so fundamental to our experience of exteriority, tend to structure thoughts of things that exist without extensibility. Nevertheless, qualitative alterations in psychic states are not quantitative.

“The idea of the future, pregnant with an infinity of possibilities, is thus more fruitful than the future itself, and this is why we find more charm in hope than in possession, in dreams than in reality.” – Henry Bergson

Horace Wilkinson Bridge

Balanced cantilever
Mississippi River
Baton Rouge

Notorious traffic jams plague the highest bridge over the Mississippi River. Some things are best experienced from an observable distance.

“The Cosmological Principle postulates that at each location in the universe one can define a hypothetical observer to whom the universe appears isotropic and homogeneous.” – Pulsar

Nature of Order

Inextricably connected
Inner feeling
Incalculable depth

To establish a reasonable grasp of the universe and our place in it, in a single theory Alfred North Whitehead united the experience of the inner self and the mechanistic character of external matter. Awareness of this interplay yields-up concise surrealist ruminations.

“The mystery is what makes it interesting, isn’t it?” – Walter Becker

Apple Blossom Time

Bewitched while
The sun shines
Edges of cultivation

A distinctive form of temporality emerges in the backyard. This year our apple tree was especially full of blossoms. As an understanding and lived experience of time, they only lasted about a week.

“The earth laughs in flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Slow Hand Row

Particular conclusion
Appropriate evidence
Exhibit a common pattern

Driving through the Louisiana night and into the future, physical objects manifest as physical objects, thought transpires as thought, and the past is behind.

“Our experiences themselves are neither certain nor uncertain; they simply occur.” – A. J. Ayer

Organic Synthesis

Actual intricacies
Peculiar perplexities
Frame an account

Thinking in terms of time and space forming qualitative differences in conscious states, here atmospheric contingencies blend with surface elements to present an unusual visual presentation to the passing traveler.

“It is another property of the human mind that whenever men can form no idea of distant and unknown things, they judge them by what is familiar and at hand.” – Giambattista Vico

Direct Physical Presence

Careful examination
Evaluation exercise
Scrutiny station

It is complicated when attempting to understand how a sensible object conveys meaning. Occasionally there are elements resident in a sensuous medium that are curiously capable of standing for something else.

“An event mirrors within itself the modes of its predecessors, as memories which are fused into its own content.” – Alfred North Whitehead

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