Intrinsic Holism
New light
Old relativism
Local interactions
Circling the morning, operatives are quintessentially subjective and tentative regarding the future.
“The result is an ever more complex “system of systems” where a change in any component may affect virtually any other component, and that in a mostly unpredictable manner.” – Francis Heylighen
In Position
Marked apprehension
Correct arrangement
Immediate duration
The sun sets on the Whaleshead gazebo pier, the perfect spot to experience present immediacy and anticipation.
“Thus the character of a moment and the ideal of exactness which it enshrines do not in any way weaken the position that the ultimate terminus of awareness is a duration with temporal thickness.” – Alfred North Whitehead
Character Cause
Time apart
Events related
Knowledge seeking
Shining up from the Buck Island neighborhood of Corolla, artificial lights illuminate morning clouds on the northern horizon, influencing the immediate proximity.
“Why should the cause which influences the mind to perception have any characteristics in common with the effluent apparent nature?” – Alfred North Whitehead