Fantasy Flirtation

Escape disillusionment
Mundane reality
Dark impact

The keys to enchantment are just behind this store front display.

“In dreams, the world keeps going ‘Round and ’round” – Jeff Lynne

Affinity Conception

Sufficient reason
Speculative principle
Turn into itself

Back in the moist mental state that is the swamp.

“The trick is in what one emphasizes.” – Carlos Castaneda

Letting the Tobacco Out

Process vehicle
Ineffable qualities
Undulation pattern

Passing time and space on a trip back from the beach, messages punctuate the highway.

“That Southland Tobacco Outlet certainly looks inviting…. letting the tobacco out and all.” – Richard Nichols

Abstract Messaging

Agile approach
Disparate opportunity
Ponder scenario

Through imagination, art is able to bridge cognition with appearances, giving meaning to experience. This capacity provides aesthetics considerable influence. Even as self-knowledge can never fully reveal all we are, creative invention aspires to express the unaccountable.

“We cannot think without abstractions: they cause us to think, they lure our feelings and affects.” – Isabelle Stengers

Empirical Validation

Continuous contact
Conceptual scheme
Presuppose experience

Most concepts meaningfully applied can be constructed out of given immediate experience.

“We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up until now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.” – Max Planck


Specular emphasis
Concept existability
Internal apprehension

Mediating the geographic and temporal divide of repeated encounters, a new object oriented series begins by exploring the dynamic effects of light interacting with surfaces.

“At every moment the work itself is wholly manifest.” – Michael Fried

Among the Whispers

Certain powers
Reside in nature
Produce delight

Nature sometimes appears to be of spirit.

“Here was the path to wherever he was going.” – Ray Bradbury

Predawn Horizon

Period of twilight
Dancing at daybreak
Fishingboat lights

At certain times of the year, commercial fishing boats work the Outer Banks.

“As no man is born an artist, so no man is born an angler.” – Izaak Walton

Wandering Thought

Traced path
Departure gesture
Intraorbitary assurances

An instant gone on the journey, never to be repeated again.

“It is affected by nonknowledge as by its future and it ventures out deliberately.” – Jaques Derrida

Origin Return

Smell the sea
Feel the sky
Spirits fly

The ocean communicates primordially.

“I have always been fascinated by the ocean, to dip a limb beneath its surface and know that I’m touching eternity, that it goes on forever until it begins here again.” – Lauren DeStefano

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