Essence Indicated

Physical substances
Entailment relations
Fundamental necessity

The local swamp is densely wooded and full of life.

“A nominal essence, on the other hand, is an abstract idea that we make when we identify similar qualities shared by objects; the nominal essence is the idea of those shared similarities.” – Jan-Erik Jones


Folded strata
Gravity action
Enclose on all sides

Intricate patterns present at major boundary junctions on the beach.

“Beautiful is what we see, more beautiful is what we know, most beautiful by far is what we don’t.” – Nicholas Steno

Emergence Empathy

Evident compulsion
Chromatic tones
Active aspect

Flowers come and go, marking the passage of time and responding to seasonal forces.

“Here was a flower strangely like itself and yet utterly unlike itself too.” – Thomas M. Disch

Grow Out

Itself among selves
Outside that being
Dawns world round

The morning becomes more defined at the south end of Ocean Lake.

“And everything within is wrapped in its own darkness. It must emerge to see itself; to see what
it is, and what lies about it.”
– Ernst Bloch

Exceptional Color

Timing standpoint
Fortuitous combination
Chance encounter

Sometimes it is electromagnetic wavelength differentiation that is most interesting.

“It’s all a series of serendipities with no beginnings and no ends. Such infinitesimal possibilities.” – Ana Claudia Antunes

Action Taken

Particular circumstances
Many contingencies
Great generality

Exploring the general problem interconnected with a special case, periods of intense creativity are recognized in the rear-view mirror.

“From the weakness of our senses we are not able to judge the truth.” – Anaxagoras

Perceptual Trajectory

Strictly factual
Descriptive approach
Documentary narrative

Honing in on details, broadly reflected at a surface boundary, rewards the observationalist.

“What science is concerned with is the relationship between multiple objects or facts.” – Ufuk Özen

Night Games

Improvising paradigms
Position time
Court advantage

Fully exploring a venue requires an open mind and willingness to play with new tactics.

“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” – Arthur Ashe

All Beset


A walk through the miniature swamp occasionally crosses over jewel-like wonderment.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” – W.B. Yeats

Further Along

Partial truths
Universe manifests
Movement and change

Singular and individual things acting upon the senses impress with full force.

“So there must be in the universe both things absolute and things relative.” – Bernice Josphine Novogrodzka

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