Free Roaming

Feral horse
Untamed state
Managed as wildlife

The Little Book Cliffs Wild Horse Range is located in northwest Colorado, about 8 miles northeast of Grand Junction.

“I am still under the impression that there is nothing alive quite so beautiful as a horse.” – John Galsworthy

Open Form

Space flow
Various angles
Surface unity

The artist maintains a symbiotic relationship with atmospheric circumstance.

“Reality only reveals itself when it is illuminated by a ray of poetry.” – Georges Braque


Cyclic pattern
Recurrent variations
Passing away

Randomness is a large part of life’s equation.

“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.” – Haruki Murakami


Dawn song
Musing aubade
Chordal approach

Being in the moment is often intensified by external stimulation.

“If you don’t know what you value in life, then you won’t be able to make any meaningful decisions you can live with in the future.” – Shannon L. Alder

Familiar Travels

Distant relationship
Genuine connection
Aesthetic adventure

Sometimes going back is successfully satisfying.

“The prairies are nothing but grass as the sea is nothing but water.” – William Least Heat-Moon


Love is love
Virtual hugs
Linda Devine

Once upon a time, the movie theater was an important part of a community’s tapestry.

“United we stand, divided we fall.” – Aesop

Dynamic Difference

Sharp attention
Action initiation
Temporal duration

Opportunities must be made to build upon ideas.

“There has to be permission to act, and the mind must lend its full support to being. We only feel this support, we only feel the mind’s presence, in the repose that precedes the action, when the possible and the real are clearly compared.” – Gaston Bachelard


Well structured
Highly organized
Carefully controlled

In the city, an architectural container in which plants are grown decorates the sidewalk.

“Like it or not, we humans are bound up with our fellows, and with the other plants and animals all over the world. Our lives are intertwined.” – Carl Sagan

Believing in Moments

Primal state
Spiritual nature
Eternal unity

Illumination contrast marks the vastness of extent on the Western Slope.

“A perpendicular has more force in forming the sublime, than an inclined plane; and the effects of a rugged and broken surface seem stronger than where it is smooth and polished.” – Edmund Burke


Straight away
In a quandary
Horns of a dilemma

Decisions must be made at every juncture.

“There’s only one direction you can coast.” – Brian Tracy

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