Interpretive Experience

Periodic process
Statically complete
Hermeneutic renewal

A complex system presents itself in a port city with both speculative and metaphysical overtones.

“Intersecting events are necessarily joined; but the notion of junction is wider than that of intersection, for it is possible for two separated events to be joined.” – Alfred North Whitehead

Means of Access

Present moment
Perceptual field
Surface contact

Approaching various physical contingencies is always first an opportunity for aesthetic experience.

“The object is made determinate as an identifiable being only through a whole open series of possible experiences, and exists only for a subject who carries out this identification.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty


Direct expression
Essential relation
Mediation event

Graffiti competes with commercial advertising on available urban surfaces.

“The continuity of nature is to be found in events, the atomic properties of nature reside in objects.” – Alfred North Whitehead

Honey Whytes

Old time
Sour mash
Jager bomb

Working with space compression in a differential reflective and transmissive environment opens possibilities.

“Intentionality is this continually renewed project of consciousness by which consciousness achieves an accord with the object before all reflection.” – Mikel Dufrenne

Immediate Fact

Observed continuity
Material persistence
Existence duration

Color and texture distinguish themselves in the city.

“Accordingly it is admitted that the ultimate fact for observational knowledge is perception through a duration; namely, that the content of a specious present, and not that of a durationless instant, is an ultimate datum for science.” – Alfred North Whitehead

Making Choices

Synthesis rhythm
Plastic element
Movement gathered

An aesthetic object appears within a fully coordinated energy field.

“The living being is the material from which the aesthetic object is made and the organ of performance through which the aesthetic object appears.” – Mikel Dufrenne

Surprising Abundance

Intuitive connections
Experience transcendence
Immanence everywhere

When transparency transitions to translucency in a study of surfaces the mind reels.

“Upon more careful consideration, we find that the stock of phenomenological motivations is infinitely richer than the few and somewhat vague titles of perception, retention, recollection, and expectation may suggest.” – Edmund Husserl

Field Guide

Concentrated attention
Analytical frame
Sensuous aspects

A train station map shelter provides transparent aesthetic orientation.

“No single quality constitutes a privileged theme which the others would serve only to translate.” – Mikel Dufrenne

Fortuitous Accord

Matter structure
Meaning framework
Aesthetic enterprise

Shadows on fabric at a construction site morph into something else.

“The signs at work here do not have their own matter or, at best, they have an indifferent matter.” – Mikel Dufrenne


Active qualities
Inhabited meaning
Function spectacle

Urban space is at a premium when a removed building becomes a parking lot.

“Sense experience is that vital communication with the world which makes it present as a familiar setting of our life.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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