Adventure Measured
Soul advances
One step closer
Eternal sunshine
On an available surface, a paisley Aardvark presides over random messaging.
“An event is random if it is the output of a chance process.” – William A. Dembski
Soul advances
One step closer
Eternal sunshine
On an available surface, a paisley Aardvark presides over random messaging.
“An event is random if it is the output of a chance process.” – William A. Dembski
Object contours
Sensuous distinctness
Immanent signification
Something in an object is experienced and captured by the receptive subject, establishing an aesthetic alliance.
“For we cannot forget that this form must be read by perception.” – Mikel Dufrenne
Normal cause
Sight situation
Rectilinear transmission
Aesthetic circumstances are recognized for what they are.
“The discovery of laws of nature depends on the fact that in general certain simple types of character of active conditioning events repeat themselves.” – Alfred North Whitehead
Danger notice
Read operations manual
Electrocution hazard
Concentrated warning labels show some evidence of the passage of time.
“I don’t know whether you can look at your past and find, woven like the hidden symbols on a treasure map, the path that will point to your final destination.” – Jodi Picoult
Trading post
Complete home furnishers
Philco was the largest world manufacturer of radio receivers from 1930 until 1950.
“The past speaks to us in a thousand voices, warning and comforting, animating and stirring to action.” – Felix Adler
Side body
Truck reflection
Blue paint can
Sometimes a dented fender is interesting aesthetic fodder.
“The relationships ‘figure’ and ‘background’, ‘thing’ and ‘nothing’, and the horizon of the past appear to be structures of consciousness irreducible to the qualities which appear in them.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Statue base
Sculptural embellishment
Entirely abstract
Sometimes aesthetic potential is hidden in plain sight.
“The relations of sense-objects to their situations are complex in the extreme, requiring reference to percipient events and transmitting events.” – Alfred North Whitehead
Cognitive intention
Representation through
Expression thought
An estuary presents an interesting enclosed transition zone between a river environment and a maritime environment.
“A thought limited to existing for itself, independently of the constraints of speech and communication, would no sooner appear than it would sink into the unconscious, which means that it would not exist even for itself.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Gradual decline
Breakdown apoptosis
Surface indication
Natural processes affect all physical materials throughout variations of apparent perspective.
“To analyse time is not to follow out the consequences of a pre-established conception of subjectivity, it is to gain access, through time, to its concrete structure.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Really indicate
Familiar spatial
Temporal entities
Sunlight filtering through trees illuminates a porch corner in the early morning.
“The various elements of time and space are formed by the repeated applications of the method of extensive abstraction.” – Alfred North Whitehead