Condition society Constrain behavior Controlling governance
The power of the ruling class is continuously enforced.
“The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material.” – Anthony Fauci
Absolute character Modes of givenness Psychological experience
A deteriorating plastic film on a store front window offers an abstract reality extraction.
“For it is the characteristic feature of nature and everything that falls under this title that it transcends experience not only in the sense that it is not absolutely given, but also in the sense that, in principle, it cannot be absolutely given, because it is necessarily given through presentations, through profiles, and the profiling presentation, in principle, cannot be a reduplication of that which is itself presented.” – Edmund Husserl
Continuous series Intrinsic situation Position flux
A duration and a percipient event are essentially involved in the general character of each observation.
“The importance of this procedure depends on certain properties of extension which are laws of nature depending on empirical verification.” – Alfred North Whitehead
No finer place Everything’s waiting Forget all troubles
River City sits at the fall line of the James River.
“A city always contains more than any inhabitant can know, and a great city always makes the unknown and the possible spurs to the imagination.” – Rebecca Solnit