Side Portal
Present form
Scattered fragments
Dissipate movement
A narrow reflecting tangent intersects with a brighter release.
“It knows indeed that what is visible and tangible in things represents our possible action on them.” – Henri Bergson
Present form
Scattered fragments
Dissipate movement
A narrow reflecting tangent intersects with a brighter release.
“It knows indeed that what is visible and tangible in things represents our possible action on them.” – Henri Bergson
Arrive at awareness
Autonomous transcendental
Perpetual beginning
A window treatment ostensibly is designed to attract attention.
“Reflection is truly reflection only if it is not carried outside itself, only if it knows itself as reflection-on-an-unreflective-experience, and consequently as a change in structure of our existence.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Attribute relations
Phenomenal field
Transcends itself
Experience dictates those circumstances that stand out from the ordinary.
“Lighting and the constancy of the thing illuminated, which is its correlative, are directly dependent on our bodily situation.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Charged back
Fix it up
Too easy
An electrical protection symbol to safeguard against negative energies is bound to be the very next phase.
“There is a common language, a mode of consciousness, almost a secret sign which can be read and recognized by all who are similarly engaged.” – John Matthews
Inert matter
Weighted geometry
Reality descends
A designated area to wait for a train offers some weather protection.
“It is easy to show that there can be a direction only for a subject who takes it, and a constituting mind is eminently able to trace out all directions in space, but has at any moment no direction, and consequently no space, without an actual starting-point, an absolute ‘here’ which can gradually confer a significance on all spatial determinations.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Form of thought
Determines the shape
Facts perceived
Aesthetic opportunities are about attitude and recognition of potentialities.
“When I posit the facts with the shape they have for me to-day, I suppose my faculties of perception and intellection such as they are in me to-day; for it is they that portion the real into lots, they that cut the facts out in the whole of reality.” – Henri Bergson
Staying power
Cultural elements
Mutate along the way
Creative alterations respond and resonate with contemporary circumstances.
“The outrageousness of the graffiti was not so much what it said, but where it turned up.” – Charles Panati
Time spread out
Modeling corporeity
Naturally inclines
In the direction which material things develop, experience pushes facts while climbing a hill in early spring.
“And as there is indeed no intuition that carries us into the non-temporal, all intuition is thus found to be sensuous, by definition.” – Henri Bergson
Spatial limits
Implicatory structure
Possible significance
Taking it is easy on the streets.
“The gaze gets more or less from things according to the way in which it questions them, ranges over or dwells on them.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Resolvable elements
Drawn consequences
Mutually dependent
A tributary runs through low-level marsh land on its way to the sea.
“Experience pure and simple shows us the interdependence of the mental and the physical, the necessity of a certain cerebral substratum for the psychical state—nothing more.” – Henri Bergson