Imitation Disposition

Given context
Past perceptions
Memory vagueness

A bin full of plastic potted flowering cacti for sale questions the utility of decorative plants as objects of acquisition.

“I realize that science and philosophy make claims about the world, but that the starting point and the basis for all this is experience.” – Edmund Husserl

Indefinite Generality

Common conception
Ordinary forces
Restore continuity

Distances can be deceiving.

“The career and destiny of a living being are bound up with its interchanges with its environment.” – John Dewey

Expanded Reduction

Appearings appear
Developing aspect
Normal processes

The mindscape sometimes drifts into dreams.

“According to its essence, nature is knowable only through the path of experience.” — Edmund Husserl


Grasp existing entities
Exactly determined
Pattern practice

This aesthetic exploration, of a small segment of optical radiation, studies enclosed space.

“Everything that in terms of nature is real or actual is dependent on the other actual realities.” — Edmund Husserl


Experiential aspects
Directed exactitude
Thematize nature

Rain falling on the windshield, considered as the object of an empirical perception, also presents itself as an existing phenomenon.

“Yet experience is experience; as such it has its value.” — Edmund Husserl

Precisely So

Structured series
Sensation apprehension
Phenomena modifications

Late in the day, the final sun-rays glance across the dune tops.

“To every definite spatial form corresponds a definite syntax; and to every perspective of one’s gaze belongs a system of complicated possibilities.” — Edmund Husserl


Deep pile
Diagonal pliers
Indefinite generality

A large bin of related items are seeking redistribution.

“You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you.” – Andy Warhol

Attitude of Experience

Natural expressions
Absolutely apparent
Evident precisely

Radiation shimmering off the surface punctuates the experience of being there.

“Of course, when I describe what is experienced, or simply found, I make judgments.” – Edmund Husserl

Hanging On

Cyclical pattern
Retentional processions
Affective force

Strategies to support growth and development differentiate across species.

“The primordial source of all affection lies and can only lie in the primordial impression and its own greater or lesser affectivity.” – Edmund Husserl


Meanings depend
Essentially explicit
Surrounding indication

Evidence deposited on the shore after an emphatic storm.

“You fell in love with a storm. Did you really think you would get out unscathed?” – Nikita Gill

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