Mesh Net

Optical illusion
Moire patterns

Imperfect alignment can lead to interesting patterns.

“Focusing isn’t just an optical activity, it is also a mental one.” – Bridget Riley

Flux Reality

Dynamic correlation
Reciprocal relation
Process of becoming

Even the most mundane objects can be seen as manifestations of creative evolution.

“The idea of duration is the key to the understanding of the universe.” – Henri Bergson

Not Just

Monolithic entity
Rather complex diverse
Structure collection

Cities are constantly evolving and changing.

“A city is a place where the future rushes past the present.” – Christopher Morley

Knowledge Limits

Mediated by
The camera
Perceptual faculties

The mind is not a passive recipient of sensory impressions, but rather plays an active role in constructing our experience of the world.

“All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.” – Immanuel Kant

Dwelling In

Hot tin roof
Staghorn sumac
Somehow connected

The natural world surrounds us.

“Art is the truth of being setting itself to work.” – Martin Heidegger

In Bob We Trust

Dirty hull

Identity is not fixed or static.

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” – Carl Jung


Neon sign
Movie theater
Summer sun

Sometimes art requires the use of reason and creativity to tell stories that resonate.

“Neon signs are the sublime made mundane. They are the everyday made extraordinary. They are the ordinary made sublime.” – Douglas Coupland

Mounted on the Side

Parking in Rear
Southern Inn
Restaurant nostalgia

The restaurant is gone, raising questions about the nature of small businesses and their community contributions.

“Essentially, your brand identity is the personality of your business and a promise to your customers.” – Kathryn Wheeler


Passion portrait
Perception process
Receiving information

The entity controlling this window is willing to share their love of music.

“Let’s face it, reality plays such a small role in people’s projections of their lives now that we can’t overestimate its value.” – Aaron Brooks

Without Preamble

Hidden secrets
Timeless ease
Steadfast stride

Always below the surface of sensation, the contrast of light and dark infrared radiation exemplifies existence duality.

“Infrared photography is a journey into the unknown. It is a way to see the world in a new light, and to discover new and unexpected beauty.” – Art Wolfe

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