
Trapped in a
System of control
Directional escape

We are constantly being manipulated and controlled in a world both familiar and alien.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell


Industrial aura
Surrounding water
Resources to be exploited

Humans tend to view the planet solely in terms of its usefulness, reduced to a set of objects to be controlled and exploited.

“Everywhere we remain unfree and chained to technology, whether we passionately affirm or deny it.” – Martin Heidegger

Creativity Sanctuary

Inner worlds
Authentic experimentation
Evolving nature

The relationship between an artist and their studio is complex and deeply personal.

“My studio is my second home. It’s where I spend most of my time and where I do my best work.” – Frida Kahlo

Stuffed Deer Heads

Mortality fragility
Beautiful grotesque
Aesthetic experience

We are more than just our bodies.

“Art is a lie that tells the truth.” – Pablo Picasso

Chance Interaction

Directly appeal
Biomorphic form
See into depths

The spiritVessel in this image is not simply a container; it is a portal into another dimension.

“The goal of art is not to represent the external world, but to create an internal world.” – Wassily Kandinsky

Inextricably Linked

Bright yellow color
Pierces through
Shadow mesh

Structures and institutions are created to control and order our lives.

“It is not enough to be industrious; one should also be something.” – Henry David Thoreau

Wooden Staircase

Hidden assumptions
Always already
Trace of a trace

Meaning is always shifting and changing depending on perspective.

“Difference is the play of deferrals.” – Jacques Derrida

Parking Penalty

Disobey rules
Power to punish
Practical need

Imperfect laws are established to maintain order and promote social order.

“Justice is an artificial virtue, the invention of men, and founded entirely on the interests of society.” – David Hume

Perspectival Perception

Lived experience
Active process
Constructing objects

The horizon of an object is the range of perspectives from which it can be perceived.

“The object is not something that exists outside of consciousness, but rather something that is constituted by consciousness.” – Edmund Husserl

Change Continuity

Ongoing rhythm
Coming together
In one moment

Even though consciousness is constantly evolving, it is still rooted in past experiences.

“Consciousness is not a succession of states, but a continuity of change.” – Henri Bergson

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