Since 1959

Nietzschean perspectivism
Fragmented and overlapping

By presenting no single,coherent message, the image reflects a multitude of possible interpretations.

“The eternal recurrence is the most affirmative thought.” – Friedrich Nietzsche


Hand Forged
Wrought Iron
Meat Hooks

Breathing new life into old materials.

“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, designed or removed from production.” – Carl Sandburg

Heart of a Greenhouse

Complex interplay
Forces converge
Within confines

The greenhouse, with its constant flux of light, temperature, and humidity, embodies the notion of process.

“The actual world is a process, and every actual entity is a process of concrescence.” – Alfred North Whitehead


In the middle
Something serious
Common denominator

All I need is the salt in my hair and the sand between my toes.

“If there’s heaven for me, I’m sure it has a beach attached to it.” – Jimmy Buffett

Cabana Ware


For 1956 the most notable change was moving the spare tire to a continental-style rear bumper in order to make more storage room in the trunk.

“How can I go on a cruise without my cabana-wear?” – Frank Costanza


Restroom monitor
Private business
No entry

He makes himself out to be a benevolent ruler, who is showing merciful kindness to one of his undeserving subjects.

“I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.” – Anakin Skywalker

Parking-lot Festivity

Dedicated to
Road vehicle

Petrolheads are immersed in an environment of plastic, steel, and hot asphalt in support of the car culture and lifestyle.

“The Gothic cathedral of modern times.” – Roland Barthes


Once a marvel
Domestic engineering
Sits inert

A hauntology is the presence of the past that is neither simply present nor absent.

“A ghost never dies, it remains always to come and to come-back.” – Jacques Derrida

Fundamentally Embodied

Physical being
Subtle tensions

Our experience is not a passive collection of data, but rather an active and engaged encounter.

“Perception is not a science, but a living contact.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Two Classics

Synthesis particular
Observable phenomenon
Cognitive characteristics

Mustang taillights with Austin-Healey 3000 reflection.

“I ease off the clutch, roll into the throttle, and the torquey six pulls with more verve than I expect. – Eddy Eckart

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