Engagement Invitation

Dramatic sky
Lush greenery
Serene water

The aesthetic experience of the landscape is a complex phenomenon that involves both perception and valuation.

“Beauty is not merely a property of things, but a relation between things and our souls.” – Max Scheler

Polypore Colony

Concentric rings
Organically geometric

The Polyporeis not merely a biological specimen but also a work of art, a testament to the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

“The aesthetic object is not a thing in itself but a thing-for-us, a thing that is constituted in the act of perception.” – Maurice Natanso

Colonial Interior

Quaint window
Simple table
Antique utensils

The realm of ultimate meaning and value transcends our immediate sensory experience.

“The everyday is the most important thing. It is the ground of all our experiences, our thoughts, our actions. It is the field in which we must find ourselves and our meaning.” – Karl Jaspers

Condition Tension

Tethered to the dock
Inextricably linked
Embodiment light

Life is not defined solely by physical needs and social roles, but by our capacity for wonder, adventure, and exploration.

“The rebel is the man who, feeling himself a victim of the world, refuses to accept its yoke.” – José Ortega y Gasset

Black Swallowtail

Fall color morph
Caterpillar munching
On Dill plant

If the daylight length is 12 hours or less, black swallowtail caterpillars stay black.

“All caterpillars go through multiple molts and instars before pupation, and their coloring may change each time.” – Linda Ly

Village Theatre

Art deco
Black tile
Ticket booth

Claude glasses have the effect of reducing and simplifying the color and tonal range of scenes and scenery to give them a painterly quality.

“Light is a thing that cannot be reproduced, but must be represented by something else – by color.” – Paul Cezanne

Intangible Riches

Hidden gems
Often overlooked
Precious things

The true treasures in life are not found in material possessions or external validation but within the depths of our own being.

“Art is not a treasure in the past or an importation from another land, but part of the present life of all living and creating peoples.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Horizon Fusion

Carpet dreams
Patterned floor

The reflected floor invites consideration on the nature of reality itself, of the relationship between the original and the copy, and of the role of perception in shaping understanding.

“Well, you don’t know what we can find, Why don’t you come with me, little girl, On a magic carpet ride.” – John Kay

The Brick

Argus Model C3
Coupled rangefinder
Flash synchronization

Introduced in 1939 selling for $25, this was the most full-featured US camera in its price range and enjoyed a 27-year production run.

“It was American-made and around the mid-sixties Japanese cameras invaded the marketplace and the C3 was discontinued.” – Kevin Raber

Exit the Warrior

Energy you trade
Gets right on by
Friction of the day

A reminder that our preferences can change and evolve over time.

“I’m learning all the time. I’m evolving all the time as a human being. I’m getting better, I hope, in all of the important ways.” – Neil Peart

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