Dunes Dunes
Aside obstacles
Provisional becoming
Meet resistance
Directing the thought of those in position to receive, sometimes the passing flux is labeled to describe or designate.
“Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.” – Frank Herbert
Temporal Movement
Unexpected intersect
Ontological orientation
Sensation intensification
Ceaseless motion becomes apparent at the ocean’s edge.
“Philosophy is the mobilization of the force of difference where immobility and the static dominate thought; it is the freeing up of becoming from any determinate direction, the seizing of provisional becomings from the chaos of being.” – Elizabeth Grosz
Stabilization Action
Information flow
Dynamic interplay
Feedback arrangements
Animated early morning sunshine energetically strikes a yellow house behind a tree.
“The meaning of the somewhat mystical expression, “the whole is more than the sum of parts” is simply that constitutive characteristics are not explainable from the characteristics of isolated parts.” – Ludwig von Bertalanffy
Physical Constructs
Locating events
Specific environments
Phenomenological perspectives
Art as expression and art as form come together in the abstract centrosymmetric project.
“Human knowledge and understanding is really self-knowledge, because it is knowledge of the animating spirit that constitutes our true nature.” – Gordon Graham