Geese Over Dune

Wavering line
Flyway presence
Attachment capacity

A flock of geese congregate at Ocean Lake and occasionally take a spin out over the Atlantic.

“They have passed over us like an eraser over a blackboard, wiping away whatever was there before they came.” – Wallace Stegner

Propitious Disposition

Innate structure
Abstraction urge
Empathy prevails

Formalizing an image series of beach house architecture, reversing tonalities increases abstractive attributes.

“Tranquility and felicitation could make their appearance only when the spectator was confronted by an absolute.” – Wilhelm Worringer

Origins Lie

Circumstance set
Mutually implicative
Complete ideas

Deliberately arranging diverse elements, photography is as much about photography as it is about what is photographed.

“There is nothing in the understanding which has not come from the senses, except the understanding itself, or the one who understands.” – Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Place Identity

Way of seeing
Memories inhere
Comprehended glance

A continuity between shifting phases, the meniscus achormat lens from a Vest Pocket Kodak camera made in ~1914 renders the northern end of Ocean Lake as a enchanting wonderland.

“Any landscape is a condition of the spirit.” – Henri Frédéric Amiel

Ideal Relations

Certain region
Consequently coextensive
Universe of significations

Quickly responding to the passing scene sometimes produces aesthetic surprises.

“Thought is a relationship with oneself and with the world as well as a relationship with the other; hence it is established in the three dimensions at the same time.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Sea Scale

Perspective gift
Creation vastness
Human action

The ocean sky is full of mysteries.

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” – Khalil Gibran

Extra Ordinary

Exceptional variation
Significant evolution
Potency reveal

In some cases, it takes an extended period of analysis and experimentation to realize aesthetic potential.

“Not how the world is, but that it is, is the mystery.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

Ebbing Tide

Sinuous sand
Glistening waves
Pelicans in flight

Pelican activity seems to vacillate without discernible cause.

“This is the seashore. Neither land nor sea. It’s a place that does not exist.” – Alessandro Bariccoe


Existing information
More complex
Emergent whole

It is always interesting to revisit a venue where a successful image was previously created.

“The world is large, very large. My head is small, quite small. There is no way I can put the world in my head. Nevertheless, I have been trying to elaborate some kind of representation.” – Jacques Dubochete

Force Revelation

Delicious reverie
Sensitive description
Landscape exploration

The seascape contains intrinsic qualities.

“Let us give Nature a chance; she knows her business better than we do.” – Michel de Montaigne

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