Overall Unity
Naturally inherited
Sensorial dimension
Perception reciprocity
Moving through the dark, organizing visual potential becomes a spiritual effort in a conceptual shift between development and emptiness.
“Now more than ever, nature cannot be separated from culture; in order to comprehend the interactions between ecosystems, the mechanosphere and the social and individual Universes of reference, we must learn to think ‘transversally’.” – Félix Guattari
Entity Demarcation
Isolating interior
Physical discontinuity
Qualitative differentiation
Whether boundary concepts meditate the coherent structure of the world, or represent active manifestations of mental organization, are matters of curiosity.
“The only true borders lie between day and night, between life and death, between hope and loss.” – Erin Hunter
Intrinsic Holism
New light
Old relativism
Local interactions
Circling the morning, operatives are quintessentially subjective and tentative regarding the future.
“The result is an ever more complex “system of systems” where a change in any component may affect virtually any other component, and that in a mostly unpredictable manner.” – Francis Heylighen