Avoid to Wear

Blue lenses
Enhance contour
Calming effect

Blue lenses allow harmful short wavelength radiation into the eyes that can cause damage.

“This seeks to be composedly heavy but merely succeeds in attaining a considerable degree of ponderosity.” – Roy Carr


Still functions
Passing mariners
Environmental integration

Most subjects aesthetically benefit from extensive views from many different angles.

“Lighthouses are endlessly suggestive signifiers of both human isolation and our ultimate connectedness to each other.” – Virginia Woolf


Nascent acts
Homogeneous changes
Qualitative heterogeneity

A seagull soars above the oceanic sunrise, as perceptional actuality depends on engagement.

“We have said that the material world is made up of objects, or, if you prefer it, of images, of which all the parts act and react upon each other by movements.” – Henri Bergson

Quite Evidently

Present moment
Indivisible limit
Pure conception

The aesthetic present consists in a collective organization of motion and sensation.

“The psychical state, then, that I call ‘my present,’ must be both a perception of the immediate past and a determination of the immediate future.” – Henri Bergson

Common Egret

Wade forage
Attentive fishing
Coastal waterway

A shorebird posses without any intention to impress.

“The water you touch in a river is the last of that which has passed, and the first of that which is coming; thus it is with time.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

Relationship Multiple

Regular events
Process change
Place of causality

The boathouse at Whalehead glows and reflects abstractly in the evening sunlight.

“A single object or fact on its own isn’t regarded as something important by science.” – Ufuk Özen

Sea Oats

Perennial grass
Upper dune
Beach front

Along the coast working the wind, pelicans cruise just over the barrier dune.

“The panicles are made up of many flat spikelets containing seed. The panicle turns from green to straw colored in late summer as the plant matures.” – R. Alan Shadow

Sunset Bridge

Inclined to endow
Approaching intuition
Organic sensations

Made it over to Whalehead in historic Corolla for an evening walk, but there were lots of people milling about.

“Be it external or internal, some object there always is that my imagination is representing.” – Henri Bergson

Wheeling Dealing

Going around
Incessant wing
Changeful flight

Seagull aerobatics over the shoreline punctuate a cloudy day.

“Gray spirit of the sea and of the shore!” – Lloyd Mifflin


System components
Energy levels
On the move

Once out the door, the ambient energy field becomes interesting quickly.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

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