Coming and Going

Cast wishes
Gentle relations
Live off the land

The ocean experience becomes deeply therapeutic, with relaxation found in the awareness.

“My dreams with the seagulls fly, out of reach out of cry.” – Joni Mitchell

In the Woods

Time distension
Scopic dimension
Sense of response

Moving fast through a patch of evergreen broadleaved forest before dawn with a small flashlight, I hear mosquitoes buzzing.

“This terminal moment is that which enables us to distinguish between a gesture and an act.” – Jacques Lacan

Exterior Milieu

Directional components
Slide in relation
Periodic repetition

Promoting appearance and comfort desire as a beach experience augmentation is on full display.

“Every milieu is coded, a code being defined by periodic repetition; but each code is in a perpetual state of transcoding or transduction.” – Deleuze & Guattari

Ocean Cloudscape

Viewed from earth
Grand gestural force
Abstract within abstraction

The truly outstanding can only be recognized based on a large sample size.

“It is necessary to mark the greater from the lesser truth: namely the larger and more liberal idea of nature from the comparatively narrow and confined; namely that which addresses itself to the imagination from that which is solely addressed to the eye.” – J. M. W. Turner

Flexible Conceptualization

Practical realism
Analogous continuity
Dialectical duration

Blossoms and optics converge agreeably.

“When the image is new, the world is new.” – Gaston Bachelard

Traveling Flock

Coastal waters
Hunting cooperatively
Social birds

There is a certain excitation when I spot a flock of pelicans flying towards my location.

“Nature’s prime favorites were the Pelicans; high-fed, long-lived, and sociable and free.” – James Montgomery

Relationship Dance

Level of movement
Active involvement
Directing future

Building on an aesthetic technique requires practice stretched out over time.

“Follow your heart but take your brain with you.” – Alfred Adler

New Dimensions

Elasticity insight
Vibrational shift
Spiritual awareness

Energy impinging with structural geometry and attentive observation suddenly all collaborate most felicitously.

“Our choices determine what we experience.” – Jennifer Wardowski

Boat Bobbers

Wind and wave
Tethered movement
Sundown evening

Occasionally a multiple exposure best renders the feeling of being there. Engaging in such experimental action can result in fortunate coincidences and surprises.

“Sometimes you need to tether your boats to stop them from following your dreams.” – Anthony T. Hincks

Abstracted Function

Everyday passion
Emotional investment
Vital equilibrium

Creativity is its own reward.

“A flower blossoms for its own joy.” – Oscar Wilde

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