
Ordered whole
Nature of things
Intuitive essence

Pelicans flying in formation give rise to thoughts about freedom and social collaboration.

“Words can do no more than draw our attention to the fact that we have concepts.” – Rudolf Steiner

Isaias Moves North

Internal compass
Spinning itself
Destructive power

At daybreak, standing in the receding tempest, the storm clouds compliment an angry ocean.

“To evacuate or not to evacuate, that is the question.” – Steven Magee

As it Exists

Posit totality
Primacy of reality
Affirmative essence

Even the walk to the beach before dawn offers interesting aesthetic potential.

“Pleasure masquerades beyond recognition in the Kantian disinterestedness.” – Theodor W. Adorno

Tidal Forces

Material forming
Globular cluster
Velocity structure

Every morning the beach geomorphology is reconfigured.

“The creative act is a letting down of the net of human imagination into the ocean of chaos on which we are suspended, and the attempt to bring out of it ideas.” – Terence McKenna

Inviting Positions

Relative surface
Sunny colonnades
Through openings

On every walk aesthetic opportunity prowls. Fulfillment is a function of awareness.

“Between every two pine trees there is a door leading to a new way of life.” – John Muir

Dynamic Control

Corrective requisite
Continuous variable
Extensive use

Wind and water unrelentingly conspire to incessant beach reconfiguration.

“A strict materialist believes that everything depends on the motion of matter.” – James Clerk Maxwell


Immediate duration
Organic sensations
Perceive becoming

Time defines the circumstances of experience.

“At the very instant that my consciousness is extinguished, another consciousness lights up–or rather, it was already alight: it had arisen the instant before, in order to witness the extinction of the first; for the first could disappear only for another and in the presence of another.” – Henri Bergson

No Vernig

Negative concept
Enunciation function
Collective disposition

Messages depend on context framing.

“Seen from this perspective, theoretical expression no longer comes between social object and praxis.” – Felix Guattari

Vast Sea

Deep waters
Infinite force
Restless mystery

Every morning is uniquely different in its aesthetic dynamics. Conditions change rapidly as many interrelated forces converge.

“Even the ocean’s waves seem to conspire, relentlessly calling to stoke curiosity’s fire.” – Belinda Stotler

Contingent Being

Difference dimensions
Contrast complement
Object divide

Each morning a new batch of residual artifact debris clutters the beach. Some objects may not have full existence or value independent of the observing subject.

“The events we experience as reality are a result of activity such as consciousness, gravity and electromagnetism, which interface according to laws applying not to various individual substances, but to various formations of a singular essence.” – James Markham

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