Twin Spans Forge the way Master mysteries Trial and error From here to there, bridges mitigate impediments to desired travel. “When you cross a bridge, you take a break from this world!” – Mehmet Murat ildan
Past Context Might glimpse Natural interest Attraction compelling The past becomes the present while the anticipated future contains no necessary flaws. “Reality has a tendency to be so uncomfortably real.” – Neil Peart
Around the Bend Winding through Wooded park Trail scenery A local hike keeps legs and spirit fresh, while certain familiar portions always offer aesthetic enjoyment. “There’s a place up ahead and I’m goin’ Just as fast as my feet can fly.” – John Fogerty
Growth Potential Feathery arms Marked contrast Glorious arborescence During the early morning, a fine young cherry tree briefly blossoms in the back yard. Hope springs eternal. “With this plant the whole world would seem rich though none other existed.” – John Muir
Successive Excursions Formidable distance Outspread in form Driven ahead Riding the highway into the unknown, the low sun follows behind. “The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.” – John Muir
Attachment to Place Elementary concerns Permanent sense Ineffable reward A timeless absorption found in creative activity, life is about translating experience. “Home is a feeling about yourself, not the place around you, and you can take it with you.” – Neil Peart
Comfort Conditions Hiking trails Interpretive center Forested retreat With lots of soft pine needles under foot, a very pleasant location for an afternoon walk beckons. “The world reveals itself to those who travel on foot.” – Werner Herzog
Doublefile Viburnum Tiered horizontal Prolific white blooms Deciduous shrub A stunning ornamental display in spring, these white flowers will transform into small red fruits that bear viable seeds in fall. “The earth laughs in flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Remain Isolated Perfectly adequate Road cadence Day went on Traveling past old farm structures on a rainy day, things feel hopefully melancholy. “The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see.” – G.K. Chesterton
Breath of Spring Beyond a doubt Soul decoration Like itself A drier area in the swamp promotes more green growth and isolated yellow flowers. “Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.” – Theodore Roethke