
Wistful tinge
Tarnished joy
Intention to enjoy

Leaving old and familiar landmarks behind, new destinations appear across novel landscapes. Memories of other occasions are something to hold onto, but the past must also be released for positive forward momentum.

“Driving down the razor’s edge between past and future.” – Neil Peart

Inquire Further

General terrain
Wakeful period
Within reach

Crossing a footbridge over a small stream, the future awaits as a range of possibilities. Maintain integrity and go the distance.

“But if these years have taught me anything it is this: you can never run away. Not ever. The only way out is in.” – Junot Díaz

Wondering Wanderings

Earth intimacy
Carefully considered
Everything happens

More than a year in the rear-view mirror, the Yellowstone trip remains a profitable experience with images still to process. Firsthand natural experience in all its phases is of unparalleled therapeutic value.

“If a piece of work was an honest expression of its maker, it was also a milestone of his progress, and a benchmark to build upon in the future.” – Neil Peart

Generic Sort

Sequence shape
Committed structure
Lonely seasons pass

There is always a lot going on beneath surface appearance. Everything in life is about timing.

“You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.” – Albert Camus

Some Connection

Mood trigger
Adding in realities
Luminescent remembrance

The aesthetic approach consists of framing moments and events into snippets of interesting organization that visually resonate. Certain subjects retain their appeal over an entire lifetime. Meaning is qualified as to its impact on experience.

“Taste is an acquired luxury.” – Neil Peart

Swamp Daisies

Native plants
Maintain distinct
Stands in the wild

A wooded swamp, with sodden soil, harbors plants that are adapted to living with water level variation. An enjoyable quiet walk through such a nearby wetland helps to take the mind away from recent troubles.

“What’s the need of visiting far-off mountains and bogs, if a half-hour’s walk will carry me into such wildness and novelty.” – Henry David Thoreau

Necessary Component

Romantic take
Appreciated anonymity
Poetic sophistication

A perennial winter’s day, on a trip to somewhere long ago, appears seasonally timeless. Each image capture records only the duration of a shutter snap within an infinite flow.

“No work of art is ever finished, it is only taken away.” – Geddy Lee

Wandering Ways

Outward bound
Primary conception
Dream appears

Winding down a familiar path, the final few comfortable walks in established territory are wistful.

“Don’t leave spontaneity to chance.” – Peter Collins

Everything Happens

Sure reference
Physical compulsion
Pragmatic adage

When making the most informed and valuable decisions, recognize that directional signs always include assumptions regarding intentions. Reality always exceeds the apprehension of representation.

“A little traveling music, Sammy!” And awaaaay, we go-o-o!” – Jackie Gleason

Moments that Reach

Discrete vignettes
Brief interstices
Epiphany clips

A wilderness visit of short duration leaves sharp images of sublime memory, and a capacious desire for more expansive exploration. The realistic truth of the outer world nourishes the poetic soul.

“A work of art is a corner of nature seen through a temperament.” – Emile Zola

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