
In time and space
Unique existence
Particular place

From an art historical perspective, the image can be seen as a commentary on the nature of perception and reality.

“All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation.” – Walter Benjamin


Trapped in a
System of control
Directional escape

We are constantly being manipulated and controlled in a world both familiar and alien.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell

Chance Interaction

Directly appeal
Biomorphic form
See into depths

The spiritVessel in this image is not simply a container; it is a portal into another dimension.

“The goal of art is not to represent the external world, but to create an internal world.” – Wassily Kandinsky

Grounding Force

Local harmony
Overall intrigue
Spiritual dimension

A symphony of color and form can resonate with the soul.

“All of my youth growing up in my Italian family was focused around the table.” – Leo Buscaglia

Forces in Play

Full potential
Mystery intrigue
Transcend limitation

An interpretation subject to a certain duality of existence.

“The strength of a material is in its weakness.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti


Abstract variety
Vibrant intricacy
Dynamic movement

Harmonious and balanced complexity works to create a unified whole.

“Complexity is not the enemy of simplicity. It is its partner.” – Edgar Dijkstra

Abstraction Provide

Universal dynamic
Illusionistic reality
Pictorial language

Here freatured is an organized structural abstraction with random graffiti extracted from a larger manifold.

“For anyone who sees more deeply, there is nothing vague about this; it is only vague for the superficial observer of nature.” – Piet Mondrian

Typically Represent

Chain ring
Linear planes

Ideas continue to percolate about fragmented planes compressed into a visual frame.

“The rhythm of relations of color and size makes the absolute appear in the relativity of time and space.” – Piet Mondrian


Rectilinear forms
Vertical horizontal
Underlying structure

An abstraction extracted as an expression relating to present life.

“Mondrian and other modernists wanted to move painting beyond naturalistic depiction to focus instead on the material properties of paint and its unique ability to express ideas abstractly using formal elements such as line and color.” – Stephanie Chadwick

Surreptitious Fidelity

Particular mood
Emanates consistency
Affective correspondence

An abstraction of randomness actualized over time.

“Nature almost surely operates by combining chance with necessity, randomness with determinism.” – Eric Chaisson

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