Painted Rock
High altitude
Cold climate change
Environmental exercise
Sometimes natural processes appear so beautifully aesthetic that they seem to be intentional. This aesthetic dimension is fundamentally infused into the pattern of existence.
“Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in this topsy-turvy world of ours, it’s that it’s pointless to try to steer this crazy roller coaster ride called Life, so you might as well just hold on.” – Neil Peart
Tectonic Tableau
Sheer space
Around the edge
Presence felt
An aggregated abstraction painted on the side on a small wooden structure, located in a previously visited venue of the distant past, resurfaces as a target of interest. Isolated entities, framed within a frame, formulate a system of object categorization.
“Reflective abstraction, however, is based not on individual actions but on coordinated actions.” – Jean Piaget
Angular Reflexion
Naturally spontaneous
Organic abstraction
Resonance oscillation
Going back and processing images captured during my earliest days of photographic activity is illuminating. Art is a balance of learning and unaffected experience.
“With such currents in the existential sea to swim through, a day spent in motion helped keep me afloat, forcing me to be moderately curious about my surroundings, and to concentrate on what I was doing.” – Neil Peart
Naive Realism
Direct awareness
External world
On the move
Qualities of objects and events are perceptual abstractions which are synthetically recognized as objective truth. A shared cultural inventory of accepted theories are foundational to understanding.
“The chief vestige of subjectivity is the fallacy that everybody else also cares about the same things as the observer, and/or lives in his/her exact same state of mind.” – Stephan Attia
Uncertain Distinctness
Intricate nature
Glint of brightness
Intriguing ambiguity
Obscuring much of the lake, large trees extend right up to the reservoir shore. Beyond any apparent functional use, abstract glimpses and interpretation encourage an aesthetic experience.
“The greater the ambiguity, the greater the pleasure.” – Milan Kundera
Present Immediacy
Natural duration
Continuity attentive
Awareness shares
Rhythm reveals ideas, as poetic imagination establishes narrative thought peripheries.
“Here wholeness is self-integrating in active performance, and form for once is the cause rather than the result of the material collections in which it successively subsists.” – Hans Jonas
Phase Play
Operative presence
Meaning continuum
Incident fulfillment
Episodes are perceived in terms of constantly evolving conditions. Many aspects of experience are something had, but not known or communicated.
“Every case of consciousness is dramatic; drama is an enhancement of the conditions of consciousness.” – John Dewey