Natural Grouping

Essential dimensions
Conditions of existence
Anatomic unity

As we know it, actuality is always slipping away. In an uncertain framework, aesthetics weaves transient circumstances into meaningful narratives.

“The contradiction is this: man rejects the world as it is, without accepting the necessity of escaping it.” – Albert Camus

Aesthetic Pleasure

Ineluctable fact
Nominal reduction
Extracted from life

Agricultural structures here exhibit geometrical abstraction in a minimalistic vein. The overall vibe is reminiscent of a cross between Piet Mondrian and Agnes Martin.

“To succeed in constructing something which is not a copy of the ‘natural’ and yet possesses some substantive quality implies a most sublime talent.” – José Ortega y Gasset

A Composition

Inner velocity
Will to visualize
Spirit an artifact

Reduced abstract geometric forms and color shapes are basic-visual elements evident in the realm of architecture.

“True artistic experience is never passive, for the spectator is obliged to participate, as it were, in the continuous or discontinuous variations of proportions, positions, lines and planes.” – Theo van Doesburg

Stark Realities

Complete degree
Plain appearance
Very obvious

In contiguous cultivation of temporality, collaborating with an earlier version of myself, constant adjustment of tendency and predilection render the present juncture extremely interesting.

“Minimalism is the constant art of editing your life.” – Danny Dover

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