Presence of Absence

Solid void
Rather fluid

Imagery frames a portion of the world, bringing it into focus while simultaneously excluding everything else.

“The margins of the text are not simply the edges. They are also the places where the text fails to contain itself.” – Jacques Derrida

Copper Contact

Benefit of doubt
Somehow consistent
With knowledge

And then there’s the way the light hits the building, casting shadows and creating depth.

“The whole of science is based on this principle: that nature can be chopped up into little pieces as long as the chopping is done in a way that preserves all the information content.” – Richard Feynman

Portal Beyond the Immediate

Windows of perception
Elements withstood
Fresh eye

An attempt to break free from the limitations of perception and sense the things anew.

“There is no natural light in the human brain which is born of the body alone, but by the body is confined to narrow boundaries… The more knowledge is darkened the more imagination shines” – William Blake

Dialogic Facade

Multivoiced skyscraper
Of the streetscape
Architectural utterance

The windows offer glimpses into the building interior while silently broadcasting presence to the street below.

“The utterance lives by being answered, by being immediately included in the ongoing dialogue.” – Mikhail Bakhtin

In Huber Court

Pursuit of experience
Consumption of signs
Assumptions and realities

The image of the staircase can be interpreted as a microcosm of the Baudrillardian concept of simulacrum.

“Photography is our exorcism. Primitive society had its masks, bourgeois society its mirrors. We have our images.” – Jean Baudrillard

Pillar in Relation

Texture touch
Inanimate object
Interaction creation

Objects exist as an experience in relation to ourselves and our surroundings.

“The world is not a collection of objects, but a totality of lived experiences.” – Mikel Dufrenne

Intersection Convergence

Inside out
Geometric planes
Ordered coordinates

Sometimes the best art in an art museum is the architecture.

“Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light.” – Le Corbusier

Dialectical Development

Force of change
Objective world
Rather evolving

Existence is constantly striving to develop itself.

“The dialectic is the movement of thought from one stage to another, in which each stage is both a negation of the previous stage and a step towards a higher stage.” – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel


Processual view
Engage and transform
Contemplation or meditation

Shaping understanding, experiences and knowledge participate in the process of meaning-making.

“The world is a process in which the past is integrated with the present to create the future.” – Alfred North Whitehead

Active Receptivity

Engagement mode
Transcends confines
Sensory qualities

This heightened awareness of the sensory qualities of the world is accompanied by a sense of detachment from the practical concerns of everyday life.

“Art is not a matter of technique, but of vision.” – Mikel Dufrenne

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