Questionable objects are held in containment under high security.
“Be the music of your soul. Don’t be a pawn in someone else’s game.” – Amit Ray
Questionable objects are held in containment under high security.
“Be the music of your soul. Don’t be a pawn in someone else’s game.” – Amit Ray
Emergent patterns
Personal unfolding
Exploration process
Reality determination is the ramification of perception and interpretation operations.
“We start our acts of theorizing already engaged in actions to maintain and improve the conditions of our experienced existence.” – Edward E. Wilson
Corrosion resistant
Quonset Hut
Window tinting
Cole Camp used car dealership.
“If you’ve got a car you wanna move, mark it up by, say, 50%. Then draw a big ol’ line through that number, write the figure you want below it, and stick a red flag on the antenna that reads “Price Just Reduced!” Sold.” – Joanna Wiebe
Curious angles
Not conforming
To accepted standards
Built on a diagonal and crammed into a small sliver of land adjacent to the road, this new house is something of an optical illusion.
“I would not want to be the roofer for that multi-layer house . . . that’s just a piece of architectural insanity.” – Richard Nichols
Recording surface
Collective functioning
Recognizable constraints
Small towns offer up many intimate secrets.
“To all appearances, the artist acts like a mediumistic being who, from the labyrinth beyond time and space, seeks his way out to a clearing.” – Marcel Duchamp
Evil spirit
Serving the common good by controlling building entry, demons are put on notice.
“If you can’t do something smart, do something right.” – Shepherd Book
Heterogeneous elements
Assemblage function
Under consideration
The sandy path to the beach passes by houses of different vintage.
“The territorial assemblage continually passes into other assemblages.” – Félix Guattari
Mechanistic expression
Essential staticism
Closure aim
Diptychs can play with perspective. Subject to occasional sudden transformations, most of the time the human world is an assemblage of enduring re-identifiable objects that change gradually.
“The world is not static and the status quo is not sacred.” – Harry S. Truman