Corner Texture

Traditional masonry
Material mapping
Structural integrity

Finding sequence in experience, the excursion is full of mesmerizing narratives, stumbling upon cause and effect in the random happenings of elapsed time.

“Integrity can be neither lost nor concealed nor faked nor quenched nor artificially come by nor outlived, nor, I believe, in the long run, denied.” – Eudora Welty

Degree of Independence

Primary direction
Reductive theory
Architectural work

Progressive styles and changes in form always become historic with the passage of time. Any opinionated movement towards a refined, improved, or otherwise desired state must reject antecedents.

“Art is higher than reality and has no direct relation to reality.” – Piet Mondrian

Plain Storage

Agrarian stockpile facility
Towering grain elevator
Gravity distribution

Besides being aesthetically congenial, silos provide an efficient method of long-term crop storage and on-demand distribution. All grain prices are subject to fluctuation at any time.

“Nobody is qualified to become a statesman who is entirely ignorant of the problem of wheat.” – Socrates

Next to the Tracks

Without ornamentation
Pure geometric forms
Plain materials

The built environment is entwined with fascinating observations comprising an impressive amount of creative depth. Often the seemingly most minimal design is full of precise complexity.

“There is a poetic nature to minimalism that is about striking a balance between full and empty.” – Jennie C. Jones

Geometrical Organization

Precisely corresponding
Tight junction variation
Cluster distribution

Associational features occur in a meaningful spatial detection sequence as positional schemas. Part of an enduring aesthetic appeal in responding to environmental stimulation is finding and identifying patterns of visual engagement.

“In particular, the distribution of distances between these clusters is computed by the cavity method.” – Thierry Mora

Missouri Trust Building

Renaissance revival
Towered gabled roof-line
Place time connection

Old provocative buildings are piquantly valuable and cannot be replaced. Economics often renders preservation difficult.

“Since 2014, much has been done to stabilize the Trust Building and thus preserve it until a new owner is able to do a complete renovation.” – Meg Liston

Disposable Didactic

Auxiliary cause
Vibrates from within
Capsizing meaning

Echoing observations among its own desolate ruins, an abandoned place exhibits a timeless allure. Imagination fills-in the provisional gaps.

“As time moves on these buildings get left behind, they have no families or owners to look after them any more and as time rolls on they are left for nature to claim back.” – Rebecca Lillith Bathory

Accentuating the Entrance

Generous gesture
Adequate conjunction
Facade orientation

The frontal approach here provides a cheerfully enticing entrance area inviting active participation. All human achievement and future accomplishment involves meaning and intentional intercommunication.

“Grazing light allows emphasis of the textures of wall materials.” – Christian Schittich

Angular Expression

Physical gesture
Spatial relationship
Viewpoint improvisation

Directly under an architectural embodiment, creative observation is a participatory experience. All aspects of spatial organization can be continually considered, refined, and aligned to serve current and anticipated desires and expectations.

“We forge received parts into meaningful compositions.” – Anne Bogart

Spring Venture Group

Develop forward
Relationship imagination
Leveraging system

Some mental representations do not aim at things as they might actually exist. In theoretical thought experiments, and in practical decision-making, imagining something does not require the desire or expectation that something as considered is the real case.

“We use data science and technology to help us find more channels to communicate our message.” – Alex Allen

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