Front Porch

Sit outside
Keeping cool
Socialization staple

Functionally dealing with climatic environmental conditions, the front porch also connects homeowners to neighbors and passing pedestrians.

“There is perhaps no architectural feature that conveys a sense of home, warmth and community like the front porch.” – Adrienne Gaffney

Ephemerally Incidental

Fortuitous reciprocation
Invention utterance
Beyond truth

Embracing generalizations and idealization at twilight, contour elegance on the street gives flavor to life. Periods of heightened aesthetic experience transpose sensory impressions into tingling pleasure.

“Imagination is wiser than imitation because it does not limit itself to what it sees.” – Lucius Flavius Philostratus

Emphasis Shift

Active agent
Modern material
Fundamental analysis

By spreading radiant energy response out over time and space, invisible but real workings of nature are uncovered. The undulations of light stretch through a spectrum of many octaves.

“This symbol is not a recognizable form of anything which is already finished, already made, already existing in the world – it is a symbol of a new world, which is being built upon and which exists by way of people.” – El Lissitzky

Summary Synthesis

Animating tension
Fluidity recalibration
Continued creation

A reciprocal sunrise over the ocean asserts knowledge as a prearticulate immersion. Experience in closer contact with the noumenal world is facilitated by living sources of infinite intrigue.

“Our fields of experience have no more definite boundaries than have our fields of view. Both are fringed forever by a more that continuously develops, and continuously supersedes them as life progresses.” – William James

Desired Accumulation

Recruit new material
Wind speed differential
Settling of sand

Human intervention of natural forces are on display along the coastal interface. Anthropocentric compromises to our environment make it impossible to experience nature on her own terms. Effective environmentalism must not pander to human-centric concerns.

“Through time the straight-conventional wood and perpendicular-wood fence treatments had consistently higher sand accumulation values compared to unfenced controls.” – Deborah L. Miller

Oceanfront Predilection

Driving along
Getting mesmerized
Plenty more to do

Aesthetic inclination exists as a subjective experience remaining as an elusive presence, available whenever the mood strikes. Beyond the literally empirical, imagination is devoid of precise intentionality.

“The Imaginary Order includes the field of phantasies and images.” – Jacques Lacan


High occupancy
Event houses

Often decisions regarding land use and development are made solely to benefit the short-term profit goals of investors and bureaucrats, with no consideration of negative impacts to current residents.

“Working together, we can preserve the legacy of our town’s founder and prevent over-development on the oceanfront and elsewhere.” – Gwendolyn Snyder Smuts

Surface of Space

Infinite plurality
Stabilized motion
Material relations

Focusing on the greater panorama as a constant movement in relationship to an ephemeral flux.

“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.” – Aldous Huxley

Excelsior Geyser

Heavy runoff
Dissolved minerals
River ingest

Once the largest geyser in the world with 300 feet convulsions, the last known major Excelsior eruption occurred during the 1880’s. Now a productive thermal spring, it presently discharges ~4500 gallons of hot water per minute, much of it flowing directly into the Firehole River.

“Naturalized salmonid populations occur in the presence of elevated trace element concentrations and temperatures in the Firehole River.” – J. N. Goldstein

Early Morning Riser

First light feeling
Shine before dawn
Greet the day

In the vintage Bombardier Snowcoach, on the move traveling to the first photographic venue of the day, many things of interest pass by the vehicle window. Fortunately such visual opportunity can be an integrated part of the overall experience. Aesthetics is a continuous process always available.

“I love how the day slowly gets brighter, when the midnight blue turns to lighter blue, when the brilliant colors start to seep into the sky, when nature is painted in incredible colors.” – Leo Babauta

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