Silo Tree

Narrow environment
Top rising tenacity
Strive and flourish

Driving past an inadvertent human/nature collaboration, a tree growing inside an abandoned silo is always an intriguing sight. The old grain silo provides protection from strong prairie winds while the tree continues to expand branches that spill-out over the structure apex.

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

Contiguous Discontinuity

Structural integration
Topological margins
Domain theory

Bands of color mark areas of similar morphology. Any internal structure requires boundary establishment. Things are identified by and depend on other things in terms of functional relation, developmental evolution, and configuration.

“Even in the realm of things which do not claim actuality, and do not even claim possibility, there exist beyond dispute sets which are infinite. ” – Bernard Bolzano


Need for wonder
Expository tone
Time awareness

Traveling due north through farmland on the way to the airport, the first stage of the existent journey uncloses. The immensity of things refines sensation pursuant to understanding.

“If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.” – Neil Peart

Airborne Sunset

Layers of light
Grazing incidence
Particulate contribution

Human vision features remarkable contrast adaptability. It is the differences detected in sensation stimulation that constitutes perceptibility, while an effective inferribility of the particular is its imposition of form.

“A sunset is the sun’s fiery kiss to the night.” – Crystal Woods

Striking Simultaneity

Realizable measure
Empiriometric significance
Deliverance from the moment

Although both the forces of change and causation are not directly observable as such, or even in the degree to which they might correspond to existence, they both are indicative of unknown agents executing unknown activities.

“The scientist of to-day cannot indicate the essence of the real.” – Jacques Maritain

Qualitative Multiplicity

Intensity state
External forces
Stipulated in space

Both extensive magnitude that is proportional to the amount of quantity present, and intensive degree that is independent of the quantity present, are in play as the rural landscape slides past. An action-reaction set of directional forces contribute to variance as movement creates tension.

“There is always magic to be summoned at any point.” – Stevie Nicks

Rain Travel

On the journey
Hushed dream
Away rushing

Oblique angles in a moving landscape, things on the periphery can become subjects of central interest. Even during attention fixation, the human eye engages in indexed mini-movements of .5 degrees at 1 second intervals. Referred to as micro saccades, these small scale eye excursions help prevent visual sensation fading, maximizing persistence of vision.

“My technique has always been to include all the periphery around me.” – Martin Landau

Differential Coefficient

Distinct individual
Discrete partition
Insularity silo

Coming and going at highway speeds under various conditions at widely separated temporal positions, the silo-tree is approached from distinctive perspectives. Traveling manifests as an exercise in space and time, as a contiguous series of changing instants within a backbone of consistency.

“It is the business of the very few to be independent; it is a privilege of the strong.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Against the Odds

Circumscribed space
Unyielding determination
Environmental compliance

The vicissitudes of existence are revealed as particular entities retain their identity in a continuously changing flux. One of the gratifying inquiries available to photographers is the opportunity to reexamine the same subject under diverse conditions over time.

“This survival of the fittest, which I have here sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr. Darwin has called ‘natural selection’, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life.” – Herbert Spencer

Horace Wilkinson Bridge

Balanced cantilever
Mississippi River
Baton Rouge

Notorious traffic jams plague the highest bridge over the Mississippi River. Some things are best experienced from an observable distance.

“The Cosmological Principle postulates that at each location in the universe one can define a hypothetical observer to whom the universe appears isotropic and homogeneous.” – Pulsar

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