Window & Door


A combination of visual elements contributes to image satisfaction.

“Only madmen and fools are pleased with themselves; no wise man is good enough for his own satisfaction.” – Benjamin Whichcote

Within Constraints

Existentialist condition
Confront meaning
Inevitable brevity

We should embrace the uncertainty and anxiety of the existentialist condition and live our lives to the fullest.

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” – Soren Kierkegaard

General Systems Theory

Complex network
Interconnected system
Synergy emergence

The beach is a complex system made up of a variety of interacting components, including sand, water, waves, sunlight, and wind. These components interact to create a dynamic and ever-changing environment.

“A system is more than the sum of its parts; it is a new quality emergent upon the whole.” – Ludwig von Bertalanffy

Food Lion

Package abundance
Modern world desire
Value proposition

Processed foods and sugary drinks that value convenience and hedonism dominate.

“The more we consume, the less we are.” – Pierre Charron


Ferry vessel
Upper deck
Expansive vantage

This is the enclosed passenger area above the main ship deck of the free Jamestown-Scotland Ferry. I was the only person that ventured up to investigate the configuration.

“Ferry me across the water, Do, boatman, do.” – Christina Rossetti

Man Behind

Caught in a moment
Transition suspended
Confined by experiences

Consciousness connects to existence beyond limitations.

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” – Henri Bergson

Consig 804

Setting aside
Window relationship
Intentional object

By reflecting on the reflection we do not see the world directly, but rather through the lens of our own interpretations and experiences.

“Reflection is the turning of consciousness upon itself.” – Edmund Husserl

Isolation Domain

Direct glimpse
Immediate experience
Relationship reveal

Avoid making assumptions unsupported by evidence.

“Every act of perception is a new act of creation.” – Edmund Husserl


Straw hats
Hierarchy importance
Everyday demands

Looking in at symbols of American identity and culture from outside a store window activates the process of meaning construction.

“The world is not a collection of objects, but rather a field of meaning.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Pink Flamingo

Vibrant appearance
Not hereditary

Suddennly they are showing up at unusual places after Hurricane Idalia.

“The bright pink color of flamingos comes from beta-carotene, a red-orange pigment that’s found in high amounts within the algae, brine fly larvae, and brine shrimp that flamingos eat in their wetland environment.” – Jonathan Hogeback

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