
Merely receptive
Rough equivalent
Noumenal concepts

An inviting painting hides the locking of a door to another realm.

“Though we cannot know these objects as things in themselves, we must be in a position at least to think of them as things in themselves; otherwise we should be landed in the absurd conclusion that there can be appearance without anything that appears.” – Immanuel Kant

China Shipping

Parking lot
Supply chain

Misguided systems tend toward disintegration.

“We stand for self-reliance. We hope for foreign aid but cannot be dependent on it; we depend on our own efforts, on the creative power of the whole army and the entire people.” – Mao Zedong

Keep in Check

Condition society
Constrain behavior
Controlling governance

The power of the ruling class is continuously enforced.

“The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material.” – Anthony Fauci

Under the Auspices

Normative ordering
Investigate immanence
Consistent disengagement

The precise existence of things appear in ever again renewed describable confirmations.

“Now you will understand what it means to say that each experienced thing as such is an index for a certain normative ordering in consciousness as pure consciousness.” – Edmund Husserl


Through a presence
Sensuous original
Creative act

Aesthetic perception does not stop at mere identification.

“As soon as we cease to oppose the aesthetic object’s form to what is represented in this object and realize how aesthetic perception grasps what is represented within form itself, then such a form, which embraces what is represented, becomes the genuine Gestalt and the signifying unity of the object.” – Mikel Dufrenne

Allium Ampeloprasum

Wild leek
Unique flower
Naturalized locally

Although this four-foot tall purple-headed flower originated in Europe, it is now protected by Virginia law:”…gathering or collecting the Yorktown Onion shall be prohibited”.

“Look at them soon, because by late June, these wildflowers will be gone until next year. “ – Molly Feser

Street Parties

Common ground
Conditions together
Psychic determinants

Some venues exhibit appearances that warrant a deep perceptual dive into consciousness.

“Things are posited in one’s own consciousness, while the attitude, which is turned to the consciousness, is not directed to the things, but rather to the perception of things and the contexts that can be explored and investigated in this sphere.” – Edmund Husserl

Refuses to Stand Still

Concentrate attention
Never determining
Actual position

An unsettled ocean carries that water of delight.

“But if the thing exists, then it is what it is, even if the experience, which would experience it, did not exist, and even if the thoughtful thinking did not exist, which would determine it in an objectively valid way.” – Edmund Husserl


Once upon
Forgotten lore
Unexpected wildness

Some birds seem to like to attract attention.

“When the crows come black against the darkening sky their wings obscure the sun and small sounds drown in their strident caws.” – Lisl auf der Heide


Successive states
In relation

Thinking is often scalular.

“Distinct states of the external world give rise to states of consciousness which permeate one another, imperceptibly organize themselves into a whole, and bind the past to the present by this very process of connexion.” – Henri Bergson

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