Ocean Rainbow

Natural phenomena
Showery prism
Sky arch

Magic transpires on the beach in many different guises.

“It’s essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.” – Douglas Pagels

Stabilization Action

Information flow
Dynamic interplay
Feedback arrangements

Animated early morning sunshine energetically strikes a yellow house behind a tree.

“The meaning of the somewhat mystical expression, “the whole is more than the sum of parts” is simply that constitutive characteristics are not explainable from the characteristics of isolated parts.” – Ludwig von Bertalanffy

Various Forces

Action liberates
Free companions
Immediate endeavor

As a confluence of happenstance involving the will to participate, aesthetic magic transpires early in the morning.

“Here it is we are born, bred, and live, and yet we view these things with an almost entire absence of wonder to ourselves respecting the way in which all this happens.” – Michael Faraday

Ideal Relations

Certain region
Consequently coextensive
Universe of significations

Quickly responding to the passing scene sometimes produces aesthetic surprises.

“Thought is a relationship with oneself and with the world as well as a relationship with the other; hence it is established in the three dimensions at the same time.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty


What is seen
Conviviality capable
Semantic value

From a distance removed, another perspective look at the pin oak tree in my former front yard.

“Relational aesthetics is part of a materialistic tradition.” – Nicolas Bourriaud


System components
Energy levels
On the move

Once out the door, the ambient energy field becomes interesting quickly.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

In Land

Coastal interface
Dynamic exchange
Reflect response

From on top of the barrier dune looking north, natural early morning sky light complements artificial house lights.

“Enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life.” – William Blake

Boat Bobbers

Wind and wave
Tethered movement
Sundown evening

Occasionally a multiple exposure best renders the feeling of being there. Engaging in such experimental action can result in fortunate coincidences and surprises.

“Sometimes you need to tether your boats to stop them from following your dreams.” – Anthony T. Hincks

Crepuscular Rays

Sun below horizon
Light dark contrast
Rayleigh scattering

On the earth’s curved edge, air particles scatter short wavelength light allowing longer wavelengths to differentially pass through cloud formations. Although it takes effort and planning, being active during twilight hours offers substantial reward.

“From the first opening of our eyes, it is the light that attracts us. We clutch aimlessly with our baby fingers at the gossamer-motes in the sunbeam, and we die reaching out after an ineffable blending of earthly and heavenly beauty which we shall never fully comprehend.” – Lucy Larcom

Dawn Horizon

Ideal fusion
Event moment
Morning breeze

The best time of a day is full of promise.

“Sunrise looks spectacular in the nature; sunrise looks spectacular in the photos; sunrise looks spectacular in our dreams; sunrise looks spectacular in the paintings, because it really is spectacular!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

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