Energy Waves
Over the ocean
Horizontal transient
Solar flares
Using the daystar as a point-light source in motion, another interactive sunrise on the beach transpires toward a higher plane. Far away things in the universe often seem very close.
“I’m just glad there’s still lots of stuff that interests me enough to get me up in the morning to go have a look at it.” – Neil Peart
Shore Outpost
Narrow channels
Appropriate attenuation
Boundary determination
Near a fluctuating water confluence, separated by space and time some distance from the mainstream, shifting light delineates a remote position. Occasionally things can be learned instantaneously.
“Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.” – Ernest Hemingway
Natural Functions
Rainy day
Come round
Soothing component
A gentle rain washes off the dust of routine appearances, giving rise to a cleansing effect associated with sentiments of renewal and liberation.
“Then there was rain, this town’s foundations are crumbling, to the ground comes a bit of a tumbling, and time just floated away.” – Christopher Anthony
Sympathetic Acquaintance
Inexhaustible richness
Complex interrelation
Lived experience
Aesthetics is a mental frame of context that facilitates contact with life in its living vitality. Every interpretation fits an existing universe inside imagination.
“Artworks detach themselves from the empirical world and bring forth another world, one opposed to the empirical world as if this other world too were an autonomous entity.” – Theodor W. Adorno
No Matter
Surface energy
Color resources
Quaint distinctions
Tracing radiation across a retail strip-mall at dusk covers the world in virtual brush strokes. Expanding the performative aspect in splendored action, a mediated painting does not necessarily require paint.
“I paint my own reality. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.” – Frida Kahlo
Compounding series
Empathetic interconnectivity
Ripple effect
Ocean waves catch the morning sunlight in a creative push, feeding imagination and freedom as everything moves around.
“Life is a wave, which in no two consecutive moments of its existence is composed of the same particles.” – John Tyndall
Coal Pier
Between rail and ship
Transloading facility
Conveyor system
For better and for worse, mankind exercises large-scale control over natural resources to support extensive populations. Continued investments in processing equipment and in capacious production are required.
“To shipbrokers, coal was black gold.” – Roald Dahl