Decorative Disk

Protective cover
Center cap
Car wheel

Standard hubcap on a vintage Chevrolet.

“Most modern cars will come with a wheel cover rather than just a hubcap.” – PRCT


Environmental influences
Radiation wavelengths
Color in black

The color we see is a result of which wavelengths are reflected back to our eyes.

“Color is the place where our brain and the universe meet.” – Paul Klee

Lived Experience

Light ambiance
Intertwined shapes
Integrated schema

The shade is not just seen, but felt, used, and integrated into our experience of the space.

“We know not through our intellect but through our experience.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Mediated by Consciousness

Light interacts
Material of the door
Eyes and brains process

Our experience of the world is what shapes our understanding of it.

“It is only the left (brain) hemisphere that thinks there is certainty to be found anywhere.” – Iain McGilchrist

The Torch Bearers

Ready to run
Cast aluminum

The motion and movement of the men and horse is visible from all sides.

“That was my one idea and that has always been my one idea in doing anything — to try to get the animal itself without thinking about how it was done or any definite style, you see.” – Anna Hyatt-Huntington

Black Candles

Thought emphasizes
The way
We experience

Light creates a sense of mystery.

“The whole purpose of science is to find out what things are really like.” – Richard Feynman

Illumination Essence

Intimate confines
Placeholder for a body
Absent but implied

Consciousness shapes our experience of the world.

“To the phenomenological attitude, the world is not a collection of things, but a field of phenomena.” – Edmund Husserl

In Relief

So as
To stand out
From the surface

Low-angle acute side-light allows shadows t0 play an integral role.

“I think photography is closest to writing, not painting. It’s closest to writing because you are using this machine to convey an idea.” – Mary Ellen Mark

Silex – Handy Breeze

Form experience
Object transcends
Present representation

Disparate elements appear as a collection of phenomena, particulars of experience awaiting interpretation.

“Art… is expression for expression’s sake.” – Benedetto Croce

Radiant In Its Own Right

Individual existence
Indifferent universe
Isolation defiance

The light bulb’s existence precedes its function.

“Technologies of illumination in this period had a great effect on how society operated and how people experienced space and reality.” – Richard Leahy

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