
Car port
Interference patterns
Rather displaced

Timing and viewing position reveal complex moiré patterns that visibly shift around as environmental relationships dynamically maneuver.

“The resulting patterns can be thought of as a composite trigonometric graphs scenario, where we are adding graphs that are slightly out of phase.” – Murray Bourne


Explain space
Complex of relations
Between things

Concentrated energy presents in the swamp.

“The conception of knowledge as passive contemplation is too inadequate to meet the facts.” – Alfred North Whitehead


Action process
Waveform correlation
Displacement amplitude

Directional wind forces create undulation patterns on the lake-surface.

“Space alone is homogeneous, objects in space form a discrete multiplicity, and every discrete multiplicity is got by a process of unfolding in space.” – Henri Bergson


Imagining consciousness
Sphere of perception
Phenomenological distinction

Serene reflections near and far combine meditatively.

“When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”” – Lao Tzu

Attitude of Experience

Natural expressions
Absolutely apparent
Evident precisely

Radiation shimmering off the surface punctuates the experience of being there.

“Of course, when I describe what is experienced, or simply found, I make judgments.” – Edmund Husserl


Actual entity
Component participant
Prehensive novelty

Backyard swimming pools fall into disuse for long seasonal periods of duration.

“Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Possibilities Incomplete

Biophysical experience
Already incomplete
Inflection space

Liquid surface boundaries dynamically adjudicate to synthesize continuity.

“Human perception remains a center of receptive activity for algorithmic patterns, enacting the construction of space.” – Steve Goodman

Moving Aberrations

Ray away
Lens axis

Establishing a range of aesthetic responses to various conditions is the photographic way to gratification.

“Optical aberrations are imperfections in the way lenses converge rays of light to a point.” – Paul Kounine

Lake Over

Phasing in
Color shades
Floating free

Repetition established nuanced variances.

“Spacing out by spacing in, phasing out by phasing in, turning up by burning out, lifting off and gazing in.” – Nik Turner


On edge
Solid angling
Shade choreography

Nuanced old-window shadow casting.

“Come back. Even as a shadow, even as a dream.” – Euripides

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