Churning Vent

Gently simmering
Varying shades
Texture range

A mile-long loop trail negotiates a significant thermal area. Governmental control here seeks to allow appreciation access with minimal environmental damage to the site coupled with visitor safety.

“The mud in the area varies in consistency, with some sections very runny and others thick as, well, mud.” – Courtney Holden

Firehole River

Significant geyser basin
Geothermal surrounds
Water temperature increase

The Firehole River is conceivably the most peculiar waterway in the world. Streaming through three large active geyser basins, complete with mud pots and hot springs, the outflow from these thermal features discharges directly into the main current.

“We shall never know and name all the hot springs and geysers of this wonderland, but we may become acquainted with the voice of a stream and know it as the speech of a friend.” – Orange Perry Barnes


Sort of acidic
Viscus effervescent
Clay-water mixture

Swirl patterns etched on hydric soil by slow-moving water appeals to the visual sense of beauty. Perhaps life evolved and dispersed across the planet from such a primordial ooze.

“There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy, and its charm.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Conditional Adaptation

Thermal feature
Chromatic aquamarine
Radiation scatter

In their majestic elegance, the ecologically sensitive landforms of Yellowstone’s delicate thermal features are subject to consistent human interaction. At best this means an associated observational infrastructure must be built to allow close proximity. Perhaps more fundamental, however, is the premise of quantum theory which stipulates that the observer affects the observed reality by the very act of viewing.

“Near where we encamped were several hot springs which boil perpetually. Near these was an opening in the ground about 8 inches in diameter from which hot steam issues continually with a noise similar to that made by the steam issuing from a safety valve of an engine.” – Osborne Russell

Authentic Nature

Emotionally intense
Visual collaboration
Mountain framework

Featuring mythic aspects, occasionally an opportunity manifests that awakens an understanding of the magnitude of the American frontier. The history, mythology, and mystery of the landscape is a continuing dramatic narrative. Nature provides a classroom for discovery and spiritual learning.

“Value does the work but color gets the credit.” – Ray Roberts

Earth Heat

Interior conduction
Radiating center
Power flow

Unusual encounters reorient understanding of “things that appear.” A remarkable example of natural phenomena can simulate an analysis of ideas and a subsequent reduction of all convictions and concepts to their origins in experience.

“Connection between life and radioactive nuclei is straightforward. No life without tectonic activity, without volcanic activity. And we know very well that geothermal energy is mostly produced by decay of uranium, thorium, and potassium.” – Garik Israelian

Shifting Stabilization

External constructs
Idealization equilibrium
Condition of tension

Out and about in a tiny Montana mountain town on a cold clear winter night, bright decorative lights embellish adventure. Apparent manifestations inform states of consciousness, as each individual creates a world of visceral fortune approaching certainty.

“They howl at the moon, shoot out the light; It’s a small town Saturday night.” – Pat Alger

Gray Day Rumination

Rhythmic texture
Movement contrast
Weather prevails

The clouds hover low, gliding deeper into the mountains.

“Like a splendid mosaic of myriad colors, she in all her hues of sensitivity would paint her feelings in your mind’s gray skies.” – Avijeet Das

Out My Window

Airborne spectrum
Positional relevance
Approximation uncertainty

As an example of technology overcoming the limits of innate human functionality, the orientation view from an operational aircraft is always philosophically interesting. Relative to the infinite enormity of the universe, the habitable conditions favorable to life are diminutive.

“ Even a person who claims that considering philosophic questions is a waste of time is expressing what is significant, worthwhile or valuable to philosophy. A rejection of all philosophy is in itself philosophy.” – Bonachristus Umeogu

Nothing Becoming

Individuality of phenomena
Speculative possibilities
Establish connections

Designed to attract attention and raise awareness from a creative dimension, a sculptural light display in the airport terminal is primarily ignored by the scurrying travelers. From a broader perspective, the passing participants themselves become an inadvertent part of the overall dynamic aesthetic. The process of creation is just as valuable as anything designated as the finished product.

“From where something shows itself to be a beginning and what direction it will take both depend upon the goal.” – Hans-Georg Gadamer

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