Contemplate Mystery

Across painted hills
Flash of freedom
Starting to glow

Finding curiousness in the moment, regardless of the apparent normalcy of circumstances, marks the aesthetic deportment on an evening drive. Exploration of the real involves dreams and imagined scenarios.

“My music has always just come from where the wind blew me. Like where I’m at during a particular moment in time.” – Tom Petty

Out of Place

Mystical sphere
Far from known
Poignant trance

By carving space out of space, a multivalued pluralistic thought experience is modulated by subjective feeling. Such a dream-like opening stimulates durational intuition, where comprehension and abstraction transmit through time instantaneously coalescing in the present.

“Confronted with a stressful stimulus, one’s reflexes and/or conditioned behavior often preempted the appropriate measured response.” – Donald Fagen

Gates of Dawn

Silence lingered
Atmosphere surrounds
Anywhere somewhere

Cognitive mysteries abound on the margins of space and time. Lasting longer than a few milliseconds, any event or episode persists in such a way that duration seems founded immediately on experienced changes added to memory.

“The very dust and silence in here seemed to tingle with some secret magic.” – J.K. Rowling


Gray memories
Clouds of mystery
Misty crooked highways

Avoiding complacency through acute sensitivity, wonder is a complex emotion involving elements of surprise, curiosity, and contemplation. The artist approaches all existence vicissitudes with eager anticipation, as the transitions between various conditional states are filled with aesthetic fascination. Intellectual stimulation involves a heightened state of consciousness and empathy, often precipitated by something very beautiful.

“The richness of the rain made me feel safe and protected; I have always considered the rain to be healing–a blanket–the comfort of a friend.” – Douglas Coupland

Pressure Vessel

High compression
Decorated container
Round corner transition

Turning down a side road while on a summer morning walk in a new dominion, suddenly an incongruous configuration of graffiti art appears. Inconsistent with the rest of the neighborhood, there is a certain level of discordant harmony associated with this presentation.

“I’m just a vessel of information.” – Steven Cojocaru


Various aspects
Could be anywhere
No special relationship

A sense of place can be experienced in many different ways. Sometimes where you are is incidental to the aesthetic experience of being somewhere. At that moment, a form of generic indistinguishably becomes the defining component of place.

“Whenever you get there, there is no there there.” – Gertrude Stein

Perceptual Field

Elements existing
Individual objects
Particular universal

Choice is conditioned by natural inclination emanating from ambient conditions. For this reason, Schelling prefers an idealistically motivated realism that preserves complex phenomena over any metaphysical idealism which would reduce and simplify the richness of experience.

“Artists do not isolate their concepts or free them in pure abstraction from all traces of other mental elements. They exist buried in the general mixed content of consciousness.” – W.T. Stace


Real ideal
Existence appearance
Matter within the mind

For Schelling, an achieved work of art is the embodiment of the ideal within the real, not merely something through which the mind recognizes its own powers of judgment. This position is in response to Kant’s sole aesthetic interest only involving judgment. Kant’s aesthetics is never derived from things in the world, but rather concerned with transcendental faculties of the mind.

“Matter, in our view, is an aggregate of ‘images.’ And by ‘image’ we mean a certain existence which is more than that which the idealist calls a representation, but less than that which the realist calls a thing–an existence placed half-way between the `thing’ and the ‘representation.’.” – Henri Bergson

Ongoing Translation

Idealistically motivated
Natural inclination
Opaque activity

Within the unconscious nature of the self’s activity lies an essential ambiguity which cannot be completely articulated or conceptually resolved. Schelling supports this position, as he claims the unconsciousness act is never realized definitively and exhaustively in any conscious awareness, but rather is the life and source of the whole system of finitude.

“Intelligence and instinct are forms of consciousness which must have interpenetrated each other in their rudimentary state and become dissociated as they grew.” – Henri Bergson

Edge of Town

Material universe
Notion of motion
Original exposition

Moving through space and time on the fringes of civilization, long shutter speeds blur reality into an illusionistic experience. Because we only see energy patterns, the theory or doctrine that the material world is a delusion has merit. Perceivable objects are simply shallow shells hiding a deeper underlying reality.

“Not only do the moments of this duration seem to be external to one another, like bodies in space, but the movement perceived by our senses is the, so to speak, palpable sign of a homogeneous and measurable duration.” – Henri Bergson

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