Pipe Dream

Alternate grooves
Optical flare
Desirable artifact

Making best use of all available aesthetic resources, even when things seem unfavorable, can produce satisfaction.

“We can exercise on each perception of a thing a phenomenological reduction in such a manner that we make this perception in itself an object.”Edmund Husserl

Crow’s Nest

Main mast
Upper structure
Lookout point

Observationally it is useful to establish a propitious vantage perspective.

“Position is given by a system of fixed magnitudes and motion is expressed by a law, by a constant relation between variable magnitudes.” – Henri Bergson

Machine Implement

Especially delicate
Precision work
Creative agency

Things become advanced when a work space is full of tools used to make more tools.

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou

Storage Distribution

Gravity fed
Mechanical transference
Particle control

Relatively simple tasks can escalate into complex systems.

“But as long as external experiences flow on concordantly, they do not give us mere particulars, but connected particulars with a universal horizon of this cosmos.” – Edmund Husserl


Deep pile
Diagonal pliers
Indefinite generality

A large bin of related items are seeking redistribution.

“You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you.” – Andy Warhol


Dock angle
Positional variance

When passing by the boat docks, things often suggest the romantic.

“Look like nothin’s gonna change, everything still remains the same; I can’t do what ten people tell me to do, so I guess I’ll remain the same.” – Otis Redding


Particular purpose
Practical assortment
Suspended accouterments

A well-designed organizational structure facilitates effectiveness. Simple processes are internally efficient.

“Be creative while inventing ideas, but be disciplined while implementing them.” – Amit Kalantri

Simplot Emissions

Sulfur dioxide
Fine particulate matter
Volatile organic compounds

Essential to a modern world economy devoted to supporting an enormous human population, commercial chemical manufacturing still operates as a smokestack industry releasing exhaust gases.

“The system-wide pollution controls Simplot will install will significantly reduce sulfur dioxide emissions, which can cause serious respiratory problems and exacerbate asthma.” – Cynthia Giles

Outdoor Fun

Vertically mounted
Simple rope
Tire swing

In the middle of winter, an old-fashioned tire swing is ready for warmer weather. Sometimes the simplest things can bring great pleasure.

“And I never knew a thing about pain. Life was just a tire swing.” – Jimmy Buffett

Storage Artfulness

Silo lyricism
Sublime abundance
Accumulation distribution

Crafting space out of necessity tempered over time, subtle tonal and shape relationship elements are mixed in satisfying proportions. Driving by in a fleeting moment there is plenty of time, infinite in possibility.

“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

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