Jewel like
Ferry wonder
Morning light
Unexpected utilitarian color found on-board the Jamestown-Scotland ferry.
“To what shall the character of utility be ascribed, if not to that which is a source of pleasure?” – Jeremy Bentham
Jewel like
Ferry wonder
Morning light
Unexpected utilitarian color found on-board the Jamestown-Scotland ferry.
“To what shall the character of utility be ascribed, if not to that which is a source of pleasure?” – Jeremy Bentham
Pirate adventure
Scenic sunset sail
Sightseeing day sail
Land was created so boats would have a place to visit.
“Come aboard and enjoy the evening views of the York River while enjoying a beverage from our ships’ galley.” – Gregory Kim Lohse
Embodied nature
Sense of enclosure
Illumination perspective
As part of a lived experience, our understanding of the world is fundamentally shaped by our interaction with it.
“Nothing is more difficult than to know precisely what we see.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Motorized movement
Dangerous assignments
Transcend materiality
Phenomenology seeks to understand the essence of experience through a rigorous examination of how objects and events appear to us in consciousness.
“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” – Lao Tzu
Constant interplay
Haphazardly stacked
Complex extension
Interesting juxtapositions take center stage.
“The body is not a substance underlying phenomena, but a way of being in the world.” – Alphonso Lingis
Alcohol boils
Lower temperature
Than water
Keeping records while separating spirits from the pot still.
“Lookin’ for a home in the heart of the country.” – Paul McCartney
Patiently waiting
Round the neck
Lovely luster
Detail defined as garb accoutrements enhance appearances.
“All art is autobiographical. The pearl is the oyster’s autobiography.” – Federico Fellini
Up close and personal with an accordion.
“I knew nothing of the real life of a musician, but I seemed to see myself standing in front of great crowds of people, playing my accordion.” – Lawrence Welk
Reciprocal influences
Ambivalent tone
Nascent interest
A study in handle ergonomics evoke the bells of rhymney.
“Is there hope for the future? Say the brown bells of Merthyr.” – Idris Davies
Measure determine
Substance heaviness
Downward force
The power of relationships help to form the operative environment.
“The scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity.” – Steve Maraboli