Purpose Dependent

Technical requirements
Indissolubly material
Rules of unity

Structural elements characterize an increasing amount of abstraction as form overtakes function.

“The aesthetic object is defined both by what it wishes to be and by what it refuses to be.” – Mikel Dufrenne

Able to Correspond

Considered purely
Modes of givenness
Lived experience

Rental kayaks spend most of their time in dry dock.

“For our present investigation we exclude, in principle, every empirically founded judgment as a premise and a theoretical finding.” – Edmund Husserl

Heavy Limitation

Evolution appears
Progressive determination
Gradual consolidation

A rough floating object in an edgy port city is covered in soft pastels.

“But, then, it is within the evolutionary movement that we place ourselves, in order to follow it to its present results, instead of recomposing these results artificially with fragments of themselves.” – Henri Bergson

Rational Volition

Fluid reality
Precipitated form
Share without being either

A large ship floats in an energetic domain.

“But what can remain of matter when you take away everything that determines it, that is to say, just energy and movement themselves?” – Henri Bergson

Snipping Tool

On the street
Cutting shears
According to stylists

Hair on main salon offers curb-side symbology surrounded by historic charm.

“The senses are distinct from each other and distinct from intellection in so far as each one of them brings with it a structure of being which can never be exactly transposed.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty


Radical distinctiveness
Intention directed
Working floats

There is a certain haphazard randomness associated with an operational fishing village.

“These immanent connections produce apperceptions of nature and concordant systems of nature and, therein, secure nature as truly existing in itself.” – Edmund Husserl

Localize Feel

Coastal walking
Darkened stairways
Down to the waterline

Dune stairs endure the full force of formidable ocean dynamics.

“Nature is an index for an all-inclusive normativity, encompassing all streams of consciousness that stand in an experiential relation to one another through empathy.” – Edmund Husserl

To Itself

Whole sympathetic
Certain particular
In the unity

Digging deeper there is always more to experience.

“We trail behind us, unawares, the whole of our past; but our memory pours into the present only the odd recollection or two that in some way complete our present situation.” – Henri Bergson

Causality Seeks

Given elements
Mechanism expresses
Recomposing whole

Objects naturally develop their own amiable sort of relationships.

“While intelligence treats everything mechanically, instinct proceeds, so to speak, organically.” – Henri Bergson

Admirable Solicitude

Cannot abandon
Working definitions
Inserted in relations

There are occasionally adventurous times when a destination turns-out to be authentic.

“Nature is that which we observe in perception through the senses. In this sense-perception we are aware of something which is not thought and which is self-contained for thought.” – Alfred North Whitehead

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