Perception Theater

Canvas upon
Paint narratives
Silent partner

Your internal state significantly influences your external reality.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

Funded Present

Quietly compelling
Evocation interaction
Qualitative dimension

John Dewey suggests that it is in the “undergoing” of an experience, in the dwelling upon its qualities, that we find its aesthetic value.

“The emotions are not mere accompaniments of experience; they are integral parts of it.” – John Dewey

Found Mundane

Everyday poetry
In its stillness

Seemingly oblivious to the chaos that surrounds it, a defiant splash of color sits against a muted backdrop.

“The world is full of magic, but we have to know how to see it.” – Ray K. Metzker

Poetics of the Prosaic

Conceptual weight
Discarded tire

The tire, marred by time and exposure, becomes a vessel of sorts, cradling a collection of debris – plastic, organic matter, perhaps a frayed rope – all partially obscured by a film of sand.

“To see something as art requires something the eye cannot descry.” – Arthur Danto

Giraffe Stands


The aesthetic individual is forever in pursuit of the infinite, the absolute, but finds themselves trapped in the finite, the immediate.

“The aesthetic man is always in search of something beyond himself, something that will give his life meaning.” – Soren Kierkegaard

Checkered Trapper

Checkered fabric
Furry earflaps
Visual dialogue

Objects and their representations engage in a continuous conversation.

“Art is not a copy of reality, but a creation of reality.” – Benedetto Crocea

Artifacts of Desire

Designed to
Catch the light
Dazzle the senses

A physical reminder that we are more than just biological beings; we are beings who create, who adorn, who strive for beauty and meaning in the world.

“The world is not given to us as a finished product; it is something we actively construct through our perception, our actions, and our interactions with others.” – Erwin Straus

Hidden Poetry

Everyday mundane
Intricate details
Lived experience

We grasp it, hang our garments, and move on, its presence fading into the background of our everyday existence.

“The everydayness of existence is not something to be overcome, but rather the ground upon which all other modes of Being are possible.” – Martin Heidegger

Red Knit Hat

Curious interplay
Between the mundane
And the transcendent

The fire hydrant, a utilitarian object designed for a specific purpose, is imbued with a sense of individuality and warmth.

“Phenomenology is not a method, but an attitude.” – Edith Stein

Crystaline Presence

Glass facets catching light
Sleek lines precise angles
Interplay testament

The light plays across the surface of the glass, highlighting its facets and revealing its hidden depths. It is a moment of stillness, a moment of contemplation.

“The color is not just a property of the object, but a quality of the experience itself.” – Erwin Straus

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