Sacred Buildings
Object motif
Earlier epoch
Formulating ideology
Exercising control over nature and land use developed among humans long ago as a subsistence strategy. Functional agrarian structures support an economy based on producing and maintaining crops and farmland.
“So we thought that our photos would give the viewer the chance to go back to a time that is gone forever.” – Bernd Becher
Unique Existence
Immediate experience
Intellectually appealing
Reserves hidden within
As seemingly frozen moments in time, various states of static equilibrium are experienced throughout existence. Free choice is necessarily concerned with the ways in which life is shaped by given external forces and structures.
“The aspects of our existence that limit us are the very same ones that bind us to the world and give us scope for action and perception.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Red Umbrellas
Urban moment
Surrounding scene
Artistic inspiration
A key tenet of mindfulness suggests that we normally miss many interesting stimuli in the present moment. Mundane sameness and boring circumstances are states of mind.
“Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.” – Sonia Ricotti
Algae Scum
Various genera
Visible colonies
Aquatic ecosystem
In the summertime, many bodies of water in the temperate zone contain a population of algae, appearing as coloration in the water from associated pigments. These can be scummy and look like paint spilled on the surface of the water.
“Innumerable microscopic algae help anchor aquatic ecosystems; they turn sunlight into food, and themselves serve as food for water-dwelling frogs, fish, snails, and insects.” – Marion Renault
On the Ground
Material substratum
Some way accounts
Surrounding area
Looking down, grounding is variegated in the sense of surface characteristics and determinant coarse-grained relations. This implies that facts about physical particles ground facts about larger object fields.
“It’s a familiar idea that the world—understood as the fusion of all concrete entities—has an overarching layered structure.” – Edward N. Zalta
Old Joe
Smooth character
Dromedary ungulate
Walk a mile
Lost cigarettes are subject to the forces of nature on the beach. One of a kind, perhaps seawater and sand curing improves the subtle Turkish blend. Camel time.
“Once I thought I found love, but then I realized I was just out of cigarettes.” – Jeffrey McDaniel