Bucked Up

Irreducible materiality
Simulacrum of life
Artificial preservation

The tension between the living and the non-living is central to the aesthetic experience of the taxidermied deer.

“The flesh is not only the materiality of the living body, but also the materiality of the world itself.” – Michel Henry


Play of light
Elongated form
Subjective process

The glasses become more than vessels; they embody a certain elegance and refinement.

“Aesthetic experience is a kind of perception that is disinterested, contemplative, and free from any utilitarian purpose.” – Mikel Dufrenne

Cloth Creature

Face of absurdity
Justify existence
Create narratives

Perhaps the stuffed animal is a symbol of this resilience, a testament to our ability to endure the absurdity of existence and find solace in the illusions we create.

“Man is the most imaginative animal. He has invented the gods, and he will not stop inventing.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Peri and Pearl

Monster high
Conjoined serpentine
Hydra daughters

Because the characters are monsters, they have more freedom to do things.

“I have a secret. I am not the ghoul you think I am.” – Veronica Von Vamp


Constant forces
Steadfast intersection

Ceaseless becoming characterizes the material world.

“Abstraction is real, probably more real than nature.” – Josef Albers

Tendency Towards

Glamorous universe
Very good listener

A flawless fiberglass face helps to generate material desire.

“Like a fashion model, the mannequin was intended to reflect our social, professional and aesthetic aspirations. Although she was permanently frozen in an idealistic tableau – artificial in every sense – she represented a living human being.” – Barbara Brownie

Red Slipper

Glass floating
Favorably seen
Dance you shall

An isolated object stands out amongst the vintage store clutter.

“The red shoe burns so bright it sears our retina and the soft matter of our brain. – Christine Vial

Random Shapes

Abstract elements
Deeper truths
Harmony through order

Abstract forms can lead viewers to a higher state of being.

“Everything is expressed through relationships.” – Piet Mondrian

Move Beyond

Object particulars
Focus on
Elemental features

Abstraction is the process of taking something specific and identifying its universal characteristics.

“Abstraction is not to forget details but to see essentials.” – Eli Siegel

Market Price

How to prove
An object
Has value

We always need to establish a relative worth, utility, or importance.

“On assessment: measure what you value instead of valuing only what you can measure.” – Andy Hargreaves

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