Organic Unity
Evanescence aware
Without interference
Natural raw material
Natural energy is a source of aesthetic nourishment, on a transitory walk through a waterlogged forest.
“For we wish not that nature coincide accidentally with the laws of our spirit, but that nature itself necessarily and originally not only express, but itself realize the laws of our spirit, and that it be nature and be called nature only to the extent that it does this.” – Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Appropriate Attitude
Virtual state
Come into view
Passes into actual
The natural environment and internal interaction foster emotional outcomes. When engaged with a specific environmental venue, repeated visits engender nuance.
“We do not perceive things in ourselves, but at the place where they are. We only grasp the past at the place where it is in itself, and not in ourselves, in our present.” – Gilles Deleuze
Sublime Presence
Kindred impression
Open to influence
Integrity impression
There is always a close relationship between internal constitution and natural exterior appearance. The fortuitous jumble of compounding components require mental organization.
“The greatest delight which the fields and woods minister, is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Has To Be
Inquiry into causes
Adapting questioning
Physical discourses
A hike through wetland habitats, surrounded by a hardwood forest interspersed with pines, adds experiential material for a probing consciousness. Awareness is locally implemented.
“Aristotle did not, however, presuppose that the first causes in question had to be something higher than the causes he had already discovered in the order of nature or of human experience.” – Oliva Blanchette