Eternal Vortex
Inspired need
Unexpected miracles
Spinning daydreams
In an aesthetic approach to life, small events often carry great relevance. The fundamental nature of reality opens the horizons of one’s existence.
“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” – Albert Einstein
Interface Boundaries
Spatial regions
Occupied by matter
Physical states
Overlapping layers are highly coupled by operational necessity. Sporadically enthusiastic about small snippets of a much larger system, certain boundaries are often visually interesting. Let’s just leave it that way.
“And as usual, my thoughts, my travels, my reading, and my writing all seemed to be intertwined.” – Neil Peart
Whatever was
Assumption element
Former life
Moving within the pattern of nature, meditation often seems to revolve around crucial aspects of existence. Starting with the essentials, things begin anew every day.
“Then maybe I’ll stop and look around at the scenery, with a freshly smoothed-out brain.” – Neil Peart
Intricate Pattern
Forest cooperation
Irregular intervals
Over a surface
Describing many entangled and reciprocal elements, a stand of trees on a hillside is sophisticated yet visually subtle. The spatial distribution of the interrelated ecological variables compliment the cool gray ambience.
“For me, trees have always been the most penetrating preachers. I revere them when they live in tribes and families, in forests and groves.” – Herman Hesse