Primordial Revelations

Yet more wonders
Hot water release
Fumarole illumination

As with all things and associated appearances, nothing lasts forever. Geothermal features in the Norris Geyser Basin move around as time proceeds.

“Very little water is thrown out, while a large quantity of steam is constantly escaping, producing a peculiar sound.” – A.B. Guptill

Emerald Spring Confessional

Hydrogeochemical significance
Contextualize eloquently
Black sand basin

When in contact with cold winter air, hot spring water creates copious steam. The morning sun breaks through to illuminate frozen tree tops in a display of sublime wonder.

“Fill a thin goblet with Crème de Menthe, on the top drop a few “beads” of absinthe, and you will have a faint, only a faint idea of the glistening green glory of Emerald Pool, which can be compared to nothing unless one can imagine liquefied Chinese fire or the unknown, unnamable tones seen under the influence of an anesthetic or during delirium.” – Lee H. Whittlesey

Evergreen Deciduous

Correct conditions
Already acclimated
Dense branches

Plant growth juxtaposition indicates divergent environmental adaptation strategies.

“Whoever has learned how to listen to trees no longer wants to be a tree. He wants to be nothing except what he is.” – Herman Hesse

Rocks Lichen Snow

Highly adaptable
Composite organism
Community recognized

Approximately six percent of the Earth’s land surface is covered by lichens. Specimens of symbiotic survival, lichens have no roots and feed solely on oxygen, mineral-laden moisture, and sunlight. The fungi component holds the needed moisture while the algae component converts sunlight into food. Photosynthetic partners both benefit.

“One could speculate that lichens would be among the last inhabitants to succumb on a dying earth at some distant point in the future.” – Steven L. Stephenson

Artiodactyl Ungulates

Shaggy coat
Broad muscular
Nomadic grazers

Bison lumber-by the snowcoach, grudgingly relinquishing the road to human sightseers encased in a transport vehicle.

“Man needs spiritual expression and nourishing… even in the prehistoric era, people would scrawl pictures of bison on the walls of caves.” – Fernando Botero

Hot Water

In the light
Physical presence
Temperature interface

Natural phenomena become more miraculous with scarcity. Nature, in many circumstances, seems to work by a sort of secret magic.

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

Steam Generator

Evaporation rate
Surface interface
Flow directions

Ongoing volcanism in abundance, winter reveals the many geothermal characteristics of the first national park established in the world.

“Yellowstone, of all the national parks, is the wildest and most universal in its appeal… Daily new, always strange, ever full of change, it is Nature’s wonder park.” – Susan Rugh

Cornus Sericea

Dark red branches
Damp wetland soil
Dense thickets

In its dormant season, the shrubby twig color of red osier dogwood becomes a dominant landscape feature along certain flowing streams. The white snow background effectively isolates the attractive winter stems.

“Known as cansasa in Lakota, the inner bark was also used by the Lakota and other Native Americans as “traditional tobacco”, either by itself or in a mixture with other plant materials.” – Charles L. Cutler

Flying Flock

Group formation
Wind resistance
Flight maneuvers

Crossing over the valley, there is no designated team commander; rather, the birds take turns leading. Every bird is accounted for, making intricate in-formation aerial dances possible. The classic V-formation augments intercommunication and coordination within the flock, affording improved orientation and efficiency.

“Once a decision is made by one bird, it diffuses through the flock like gas.” – Rachel Nuwer


Ice crystal deposit
Direct condensation
Water vapor to ice

Areas of active hydrothermal steam venting provide a continuous source of airborne water vapor that effects all nearby objects. Conditional assessments of such hydrothermal events are especially accessible in the winter.

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” – John Steinbeck

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