Dioscorea Bulbifera

Widely cultivated
Perennial vine

Atrociously invasive, this attractive vine is almost impossible to eradicate once established. Unlike other herbaceous vines, a unique distinguishing characteristic of the air potato plant is that all leaf veins start from the leaf base.

“A supposedly daring insight came up, disguised as a question: Dr. Cole, aren’t humans the most invasive species of all?” – Joe Pitkin


Live oak
Boarding house
Correlation of elements

On the fringe of the Rapides Cemetery in Pineville Louisiana is an old deserted boarding house. Under the boarded-up structure is a potter’s field.

“Beauty is not all there is of poetry. It must contain the truth. It is not simply an oak, rude and grand, neither is it simply a vine. It is both. Around the oak of truth runs the vine of beauty.” – Robert Green Ingersoll

Extensity Relations

States of consciousness
Even when successive
Permeate one another

When exercising the mental faculty of acquiring knowledge, by either direct observation or by understanding, the True and the Good are united in the Beautiful. In actuality, the philosopher must possess just as much aesthetic power as the poet.

“Theoretically the part played by consciousness in external perception would be to join together, by the continuous thread of memory, instantaneous visions of the real.” – Henri Bergson

Underived Anterior

Actual atmosphere
Cumulative force
Return to origins

A certain amount of aesthetic exploration helps to maintain interest in the accumulation of ordinary experience. In a curious sense, where I stand is always in an artistic laboratory, with excess energy strewing innovative designs about.

“Each is a link in an endless chain.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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