Shadow Vessel

Projection of the unseen
Tangible presence
Ghost in the material world

The interplay of light and shadow, the contrast between the smooth and textured surfaces, the tension between the open and enclosed spaces, all contribute to the configuration.

“The world is not something which confronts us as an alien objectivity, but something in which we are immersed and of which we form a part.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

In Glade Park

Ridgeline cliff
Upright boulder
Perfectly balanced

Research and effort pays off on a visit to Miracle Rock.

“Nothing we use or hear or touch can be expressed in words that equal what is given by the senses.” – Hannah Arendt

Fire Lane

Realism understands
Independent object
Experiencing subject

The shadowself finds semiotics within a geometrical motif.

“The task of the idealist is to show how the subject can objectify the content of subjective awareness and experience.” – Jan-Kyrre Berg Olsen

Point of View


The shadowself fits into a complex environment.

“Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior.” – Carl Jung

Dry Gulch

Shadow self
Close attention
Western landscape

Building an experiential base of constructive memories, adventures come and go.

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell

Shadow Siblings

Conjure up
Stand out
Pier peers

Shadow siblings visit the Avalon Fishing Pier.

“Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends.” – Suzie Huitt

Accessible Without

Tangible being
Distinct experiences
Subtend one another

The shadowself fits into a large open tent on the lawn.

“There is double and crossed situating of the visible in the tangible and of the tangible in the visible; the two maps are complete, and yet they do not merge into one.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Arise by Virtue

Material object
Conscious being
Existence engagement

Through reason and reflection, the shadowself materializes in different times and places promoting inner and outer occurrence consideration.

“Consciousness always accompanies thinking, and ‘tis that, that makes every one to be, what he calls self.” – John Locke

Here Now

Dissolve into today
Walk together
Catalytic presence

Diverse spatial patterns become evident in directional radiation response. The shadowself appearance indicates a transitory presence in space and time.

“The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.” – Eckhart Tolle

On Edge

Relationship dance
Self significance
Reality collision

In the context in which it occurs, the shadowself responses to other indexical elements while walking across fringes of the urban environment.

“Movement in our mental life can only take place when an appropriate goal has been chosen.” – Alfred Adler

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