On Edge

Relationship dance
Self significance
Reality collision

In the context in which it occurs, the shadowself responses to other indexical elements while walking across fringes of the urban environment.

“Movement in our mental life can only take place when an appropriate goal has been chosen.” – Alfred Adler

Subjective Life

Light intensity
Information exercise
Awareness experience

The shadowself understands that awareness accounting necessarily distorts accuracy. Attention is the cognitive transaction of enhancing some discernible indications at the expense of other evidence.

“Why would the brain waste energy computing information about subjective awareness and attributing that property to itself, if the brain doesn’t in fact have this property?” – Michael S. A. Graziano

Return Path

Lead the way
Walk the walk
Individual identity

Portions of personal identity outwardly travel through radiation fields, as the shadowself responds to choices made over the course of daily occurrences.

“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away.” – Pascal Mercier

Contact Narrative

Encounter between
Obsequious dependency

Constraining shaped things to serve specific intents, the shadowself extemporizes itself within a sunlit interior. In a living world, interactive networks extend far beyond the physical body and immediate surroundings.

“We cannot bear the thought of objects having an autonomous life, even if this life is ultimately attributable to us.” – Steven Shaviro

Specimen Translations

Sufficiently elaborate
Sensible acquaintance
Current tactile resources

Light interactions define perception of visual objects as the primacy of judgmental content. The relative negative absence of a physical force is as real as any positive manifestation.

“The term ‘episode’ is elastic enough to cover a great deal of territory.” – Wilfrid Sellars

Extra Measure

Defy the universal
Categorize and label
Irresistible compulsion

Self integration into a geometrical moment establishes a close personal relationship to qualitative change. Real time is present.

“For current purposes only those things which exist at the present moment — now — really exist at all; and the only qualities which these things really possess are the qualities that they possess now.” – E. J. Lowe

Conditions of Identity

Unified being
Essentially distinct
Awareness agency

Personal identity over time can occasionally manifest across physical domains. Under certain requisites, knowledge of the self augments as an apparent reverse projection of an opaque object blocking radiation.

“I do not depart here from my lifelong conviction that art is miraculously precise and communicative in its own domain of fused spirit and sensation.” – Jacques Barzun

External Introspection

Physical object
Proprioceptive relationship
Visual feedback

Manifesting object relationships in space and time that interact and impact other entities, the shadowself always sticks closely to the surrounding material environment.

“With practice we can learn to engage these types of heightened states and see new opportunities for interpretations in our thoughts, emotions, and conversations.” – Gary van Warmerdam

Bridge Shadow

Situated at a point
Opposite current flow
Upstream view

Things are always particularly interesting when standing directly over a wild river. It takes time to absorb the many contingencies simultaneously converging.

“River is time in water; as it came, still so it flows, yet never is the same.” – Barten Holyday

Fully Integrated

Texture aggregation
Cohesive expression
Overarching physicality

Exploring the flora diversity and environmental geology of southeastern Idaho, the shadowself occasionally becomes part of the mix as an indexical external presence. Natural ecosystem manifestations are dependent on many unique geographic and climatic provision factors.

“When systems are integrated, productivity rises.” – Steve Malott

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